Monday, September 30, 2019

Tutorial answers

If the system already exists, different scenarios can be tried using he model before tests being carried out on the real system. Alternatively if the system does not exist, the model can be used to help decide on the final design of a system. Often there are constraints on the design that need to be investigated e. G. Constraints on cost, space, etc. Modification to systems once they exist can be expensive hence it is important to try and get design of systems ‘right-first-time' and this is where modeling and simulation can be useful engineering tools.Example: see lecture notes weekly under section Why is modeling important ?. 2 See notes 3. Components of system Inputs Outputs States Environment Tank Valve Pipes Inlet Flows of A and B Liquid level Level change in tank Upstream of inlet to tank and downstream of outlet valve 4. See notes 5. See notes 6. Bookwork (as coursework 1) TUTORIAL ANSWERS 2 El . A proportional relationship for a component is here considered to be an unch anging relationship (and is often referred to in modeling terms as a constitutive or physical relationship).These are the natural physical laws which the individual components of the system obey e. G. For an electrical system, the relationship between voltage and current and in the special case of an ideal resistor – Ohm's Law FRR. I E. Kerchiefs Current Law : algebraic summation of all currents flowing into a junction of a network is zero. Kerchiefs Voltage Law: algebraic summation of all voltages acting around a loop of a circuit is zero. Examples – see section 2. 2. Of lecture notes. E. The impedance of an element is its voltage:current ratio.Multiple Choice: Electrical Systems El(b) E(C) Problems: Electrical Systems El . 3. 3 0, Ohm's Law is obeyed since the resistance is constant as the voltage varies Q. 40 A E. IV E. (a) 4. 4 0 (b) 16 (c) 4. 4 E. (a) 0. 68 V (b) 0. 47 V (c) 0. 34 V E. (a) 0. 2 V, 205 ma (b) 1. 03 V, 52 ma (c) 1. 16 V, 193 ma E. = 30/84 v = 0. 357 *12 volts = 4. Volts E. VI = 366/191 = 1. 92 V, TUTORIAL ANSWERS 3 MI . (I) spring f = xx= k(XSL -xx) where x is the displacement (or extension) and k is the proportionality constant called the spring constant with units of force/displacement e. . N/m. Damper f = BE k(FL – vi) where v is the velocity and B is the proportionality constant called a viscous friction coefficient or constant. Its dimension is force/velocity e. G. NSA/m. MM. See lecture notes. The force balance law demands that (a the acceleration). Analogies: This is analogous to Kerchiefs voltage law, particularly if one treats the inertia acceleration as an equivalent force. Note: In order to model a mechanical system, the usual practice is to form a free body diagram around each inertia (mass) component.One will then end up with a set of simultaneous differential equations, the solution of which dictates the dynamics and constitutes the system model. In the case where there are no mass components, then ensure a force balance at selected points in the system. That is the net force acting on any point must be zero, I. E. Multiple Choice: Mechanical Systems MI . G) MM. (a,b) Problems: Mechanical Systems MI. O. AN MM. 0. 05 arms Question/ Variable (NSA/m) 812 834 Biota I 2 1217 24/19= 1 . 263 4 15/8 60/47 = 1 . 276 Questions: Thermal and Fluid Systems TFH .A system is said to be in equilibrium when its behavior is steady I. E its output and inputs are unchanging. For the liquid level system with an inlet and outlet flow, this corresponds to the inlet and outlet flows being the same. Multiple Choice: Thermal and Fluid Systems TFH. (b) TFH. (c) Problems: Thermal and Fluid Systems TFH . The flow cannot be assumed to be laminar as the proportionality constant is not inner as the flow increases through the pipe I. E. I/R resistance (Pa. s/mm) 3 TUTORIAL ANSWERS 4 IQ .Methods that can be used to determine the gradient of the straight line at t=2 sec are: (I) plot a graph and determine where t=2 or (it) differentiate x(t) with respect to t and substitute t=2. Q. (a) Q. See lecture notes Q. Completing the table gives: Electrical Component Equation Mechanical Component Rotational Component Inductor Inertia Rotating inertia Resistor Damper Capacitor Spring Torsion's spring Q. (a) Using free body diagram on the mass-damper system of Fig. 5. 1, the mass and ampere can be considered to be in parallel.Force balance gives: where: Hence: (b) Similarly for the spring-damper system of Fig. 5. 2 Force balance gives: where: , (c) For the rotational pulley of Fig. 5. 3, a torque balance is required: Torque balance gives:and where:, , Q. (a) For a resistor and capacitor in series of Fig. 6. 1 Apply Kerchiefs Voltage Law gives: (b) For a resistor and inductor in series of Fig. 6. 2 where: , , (c) For a 5 resistors and a capacitor system of Fig. 6. 3, observe that this is nearly the same system as shown in Tutorial Sheet 2 Problem E but with the addition of the opacity.Hence: where: with and H ence as in Qua. : Q. Q. Material balance on tank: rate of change of mass floodwater = mass flow in – mass flow out assume constant density 0 and area: Given: , A = 7 mm, R = 0. 14 her/mm and Sin = 100 mm/her substituting gives: Tutorial Answers 5, 6 IQ Bookwork straight from notes: Ask in a tutorial if stuck and/or use MENTAL to generate solutions and check against you work. E. G. For 1st of these t=alliances(O,2,100); ext=subs(x,t); fugue(l reset Q: Throughout Q assume a model of the form Steady-state is 0. 6. Initial value is -1. Rise is given as 1. . 63% of rise is given by which implies x(t) has this value at about t=O. 25 sec and therefore T=O. 25, Steady-state is 30. Initial value is 2. Rise is given as 28. 63% of rise is given by 0. 63*28=17. 64 which implies x(t)=19. 64. X(t) has this value at about t=5 sec and therefore T=5, k=30. Steady-state is 50. Initial value is 20. Rise is given as 30. 63% of rise is given by 0. 63*30=18. 9 which implies x(t)=38. 9. X(t) has th is value at about t=50 sec and therefore T=50, k=50. Q: Maximum current is at t=O and given as V/R: Therefore R=V/I = 5/0. 004 = mashes.Time constant is given by ARC, so T=ms implies that C=. 005/1250 = 4 micro. Q: Parameters give a time constant of cosec so after 30 sec aircraft at 95% of steady-state land speed. 1 MPH is the same as mutterer pH or (1609/3600)m/s MPH is the same as mom/s Steady-state is given as f/B. Therefore min f required is BIB [ scaled by (11. 95) to be precise]. Q: Model is Bad/dot +xx=f or (B/k) DXL/dot +x =f/k Desired time constant is about 0. Sec, therefore (B/k)=O. 8 so k=NON/m Steady-state displacement is given as (1 /k)f = 0. 04, and therefore f=AN is required. Tutorial Answers 7 1 .Find the Lovelace transform of the following signals: Students should use MENTAL to check their working here, e. G. Ray the command: 2. Use partial fractions, a lookup table and inverse Lovelace to find the underlying signals with the following transforms. Students should us e MAT to check their working, e. G. 3. What is the final value for signals with the following transforms? Use the Pit but note that: (I) there is no final value if the signal is divergent which is the case for 5th (obvious from negative sign) and (it) for convergent signals, the final value must be zero if there is no integrator.Hence only 2nd and 6th have a non-zero values which must be 4 and 0. 5 respectively. 4. Which of the following transforms has the fastest settling time? What are the settling times to within 5% of steady-state? Time constants are negative inverses of poles. One can estimate time to 5% error as approximately three times slowest time constant (exact for 1st order but no strict generalization when many poles due to uncertainty about partial fractions). Time constant is the negative inverse of the pole. So pole at -0. 25 gives T=4, etc. 5. Sketch the poles and zeros of the following transforms on an Regard diagram.By marking the LAP and RAP clearly, hence determ ine which represent stable and unstable behavior. Students should use MENTAL to check their working for his, for example, doing 4th as follows will produce a fugue with poles marked in Y and zeros in ‘o': Systems are stable if and only if all the poles are in the LAP – the origin is counted as being in the LAP. The positions of the zeros do not affect stability. Tutorial Answers 8 1 . The inverse Lovelace transform of a transfer function is called the â€Å"impulse response function†. If a system has an impulse response function given by g(t) t(l-sin(t)).Compute its transfer function, G(s). 2. Use Lovelace methods to solve the following ODE equations. 3. Give examples of type O, type 1 and type 2 systems. Has does this affect the expected behavior? Bookwork 4. Which of the following transforms for 1st order ODES has the highest gain? What are the gains? What are the time constants? Determine and sketch the step responses for each of these. Gains are 4, 3, 1. 5 an d 1. 125 respectively. Time constants are 4, 0. 2, 1. 25, 0. 5 respectively. As these are 1st order, sketching step response follows same procedures as tutorial 5,6.Tutorial Answers 9, 10 1 . Bookwork – read some control text books to broaden your views on the uses and potential of control. 2. This is also straight from the notes but your understanding will also be improved by some wider reading. Don't Just stick to your main discipline, but look at examples from chemical, aerospace, automotive, medical, electrical, biological, etc. 3. Straightforward application of the Pit. 2nd set has an integrator and hence the offset is known to be zero. Otherwise, use formula. Confirm this with MENTAL, I. E. Plot is seen to settle at 0. 52 4. The 1st part is taken direct from the lecture slides so not repeated here. The closed-loop time constant and rise time are: Time constant +AKA), closed-loop game = AKA/(I+AKA), where A=4/5, -r=o. 2 Hence 0. 2/(1 +K/5)O. 8 which gives K >4+3. K or 0. K>4 or K>5. Confirm this using MENTAL, ii. Use G=TFH(4,[1 %% plot in a figure It is clear that the time closed loop pole polynomial is (s+ [1 +AKA]/T) and hence the pole is in the LAP for all positive K which implies closed-loop stability. Discussion of large K is bookwork – read some text books. 5.This question is designed to make a student think and experiment. To meet specifications, the closed-loop is given as Clearly the steady-state gain is unity as expected so the offset requirement is met. The closed-loop poles are determined from the roots of the denominator and we want the poles to be to the left of -2. 5 ‘e. (s+2. 5) is equivalent to (0. As+1). Both roots can be placed at 2. 5 if In the future students will recognize that lower values of K will give a slower pole and higher values of K will give rise to oscillation. 6. Standard question.Form closed-loop transfer function and find characteristic polynomial for all 3 cases. You will need to do the partial frac tions for all 3 and sketch, but you can use MENTAL to check your answers. E. G form the three closed-loop transfer functions and then type feedback(GO,GO,GO) to see all 3 together. N.B.: 63 is seem 2 content. Clearly Just proportional is fastest, but gives a large offset. GIG is smooth (2 real poles) ND no offset. But poles are well spaced so this is conservative. 63 has similar response time to GIG (same slowest time constant), but has complex poles and thus oscillation.Conclusion, PI is best! Typical exam type question outline answer a) Let the internal temperature be given as T degrees. The rate of heat supplied is given as: The heat loss OHIO(T+50) Hence the temperature is given by: In steady-state we desire T=20 which implies that b) If the external temperature drops by 10 degrees, then the model becomes: which implies the new steady-state temperature will be 6 degrees! The time constant is clearly 1000 sec. Students should sketch a graph showing the temperature moving from 20 to 6 with the appropriate time constant. ) If the heat input from the passengers is increased, the model becomes In the case, the change in temperature is negligible which suggests that for this scenario the key factor is the external temperature and heaters rather than any heat coming from the passengers. D) Clearly the open-loop choice of voltage does not maintain the temperature correctly in general and so some control is needed. It is known that the correct steady-state can only be achieved in the presence of uncertainty if integral action is included.The steady-state error too change in desired temperature is given by because K(O) is infinite, irrespective of changes in the gain of G or disturbances such as changes in external temperature! Students should first put the equations for the model and integral control law into Lovelace transforms about the steady-state: Hence The closed-loop transfer function is given as Students should validate that the time constants are reasonabl e and that the closed- loop is stable! The time constants are given from the roots of the closed-loop denominator. Students should note that these are similar to the original time constant and thus satisfactory.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Customer-Driven Strategic Marketing

Chapter 1 Customer-Driven Strategic Marketing Lecture Outline I. Defining Marketing We define marketing as the process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods, services, and ideas to facilitate satisfying exchange relationships with customers and to develop and maintain favorable relationships with stakeholders in a dynamic environment. [ A ]. Marketing Focuses on Customers [ 1 ]. As the purchasers of the products that organizations develop, promote, distribute, and price, customers are the focal point of all marketing activities. [ 2 ].The essence of marketing is to develop satisfying exchanges from which both customers and marketers benefit. [ 3 ]. Organizations generally focus their marketing efforts on a specific group of customers, or target market. [ B ]. Marketing Deals with Products, Distribution, Promotion, and Price 1. Marketing is more than simply advertising or selling a product; it involves developing and managing a product, making the product available i n the right place and at a price acceptable to buyers, and communicating information to help customers determine if the product will satisfy their needs. 2.These activities—product, distribution, promotion, and pricing—are known as the marketing mix because marketers decide what type of each element to use and in what amounts. 3. The Product Variable [ a ])The product variable of the marketing mix deals with researching customers’ needs and wants and designing a product that satisfies them. [ b ])A product can be a good, a service, or an idea. ( [ 1 ])Good—a physical entity ( [ 2 ])Service—the application of human and mechanical efforts to people or objects to provide intangible benefits to customers ( [ 3 ])Idea—concept, philosophy, image, or issue c ])The product variable includes the creation or modification of brand names and packaging. It may also include decisions regarding warranty and repair services. [ d ])Product variable decisions and related activities are important because they directly impact the creation of products that meet customers’ needs and wants. 4. The Distribution Variable In dealing with the distribution variable, a marketing manager makes products available in the quantities desired to as many target market customers as possible, keeping total inventory, transportation, and storage costs as low as possible. . The Promotion Variable The promotion variable relates to activities used to inform individuals or groups about an organization and its products. a)Promotion can be aimed at increasing public awareness of an organization and new or existing products. b) Promotional activities can also educate customers about product features or urge people to take a particular stance on a political or social issue. 6. The Price Variable a)The price variable relates to decisions and actions associated with establishing pricing objectives and policies and determining product prices. )Price is a critic al component of the marketing mix because customers are concerned about the value obtained in an exchange. 7. Marketing mix variables are often viewed as controllable because they can be modified; however, economic conditions, competitive structure, or government regulations may limit a marketing manager’s influence. [ C ]. Marketing Builds Relationships with Customers and Other Stakeholders 1. Individuals and organizations engage in marketing to facilitate exchanges—that is, the provision or transfer of goods, services, or ideas in return for something of value. [ 4 ].Four conditions must exist for an exchange to occur: a)Two or more individuals, groups, or organizations must participate, and each must possess something of value desired by the other party. b)The exchange should provide a benefit or satisfaction to both parties involved in the transaction. c)Each party must have confidence in the promise of the â€Å"something of value† held by the other. d)To b uild trust, the parties to the exchange must meet expectations. [ 5 ]. An exchange will not necessarily take place just because these conditions exist; marketing activities can occur even without an actual transaction or sale.Figure 1. 2 depicts the exchange process. 6. Marketing activities should attempt to create and maintain satisfying exchange relationships. [ 7 ]. Marketers are also concerned with building relationships with relevant stakeholders who have a â€Å"stake,† or claim, in some aspect of a company’s products, operations, markets, industry, and outcomes; these may include customers, employees, investors and shareholders, suppliers, governments, communities, and many others. [ D ]. Marketing Occurs in a Dynamic Environment . The marketing environment, which includes competitive, economic, legal and regulatory, technological, and socio-cultural forces, surrounds the customer and affects the marketing mix as shown in Figure 1. 1. 2. The forces of the market ing environment affect a marketer’s ability to facilitate exchanges in three ways: a)They affect customers’ lifestyles, standards of living, and preferences and needs for products. b)They help determine whether and how a marketing manager can perform certain marketing activities. )They affect a marketing manager’s decisions and actions by influencing buyers’ reactions to the organization’s marketing mix. 3. Marketing environment forces can fluctuate quickly and dramatically. 4. Changes in the marketing environment produce uncertainty for marketers and at times hurt marketing efforts, but they also create opportunities. 5. Marketing mix elements—product, distribution, promotion, and price—are factors over which an organization has control; the forces of the environment, however, are subject to far less control. II.Understanding the Marketing Concept A. According to the marketing concept, an organization should try to provide products t hat satisfy customers’ needs through a coordinated set of activities that also allows the organization to achieve its goals. 1. Customer satisfaction is the major focus of the marketing concept. a)To implement the marketing concept, an organization focuses on customer analysis, competitor analysis, and integration of the organization’s resources to provide customer value and satisfaction, as well as long-term profits. )The organization must also continue to alter, adapt, and develop products to keep pace with customers’ changing desires and preferences. [ 8 ]. The marketing concept is not a second definition of marketing. It is a management philosophy guiding an organization’s overall activities. [ 9 ]. It is important for marketers to consider not only current buyers’ needs, but also the long-term needs of society. B. Evolution of the Marketing Concept 1. The Production Orientation )During the second half of the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing in the United States. b)As a result of new technology and new ways of using labor, products poured into the marketplace, where consumer demand for the new manufactured goods was strong. 2. The Sales Orientation a)Between the mid 1920s and the early 1950s, businesspeople viewed sales as the major means of increasing profits. b)During this era, businesspeople believed that the major marketing activities were personal selling, advertising, and distribution. 3.The Marketing Orientation a)By the early 1950s, some businesspeople recognized they must first determine what customers want and then produce it, rather than make products and try to persuade customers that they need what is produced. b)A marketing orientation requires the â€Å"organization-wide generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and future customer needs, dissemination of the intelligence across departments, and organization-wide responsiveness to it. † c)Today, businesses want to satisfy customers and build meaningful, long-term buyer-seller relationships.C. Implementing the Marketing Concept To implement the marketing concept, a marketing-oriented organization must accept some general conditions and recognize and deal with several problems. 1. Management must first establish an information system to discover customers’ real needs and then use the information to create satisfying products. 2. To satisfy customers’ objectives as well as its own, a company must also coordinate all its activities. III. Managing Customer Relationships A.Achieving the full profit potential of each customer relationship should be the fundamental goal of every marketing strategy. 1. At the most basic level, profits can be obtained through relationships in the following ways: a)By acquiring new customers b)By enhancing the profitability of existing customers c)By extending the duration of customer relationships 2. Implementing the marketing concept means optim izing the exchange relationship—the relationship between a company’s financial investment in customer relationships and the return generated by customers responding to that investment.B. The term relationship marketing refers to â€Å"long-term, mutually beneficial arrangements in which both the buyer and seller focus on value enhancement through the creation of more satisfying exchanges. † 1. Relationship marketing continually deepens the buyer’s trust in the company, and as the customer’s confidence grows, this in turn increases the organization’s understanding of the customer’s needs. [ 10 ]. Eventually this interaction becomes a solid relationship that allows for cooperation and mutual dependence. C.Customer-centric marketing requires developing collaborative relationships with customers based on focusing on their individual needs and concerns. 1. It adopts the view that customers buy offerings which provide value and prefer a rel ationship rather than a transactional orientation. 2. Collaborating with and learning from customers leads to a â€Å"sense and respond† approach rather than a produce and sell approach. D. Customer relationship management (CRM) uses information about customers to create marketing strategies which develop and sustain desirable customer relationships. 1.By increasing customer value over time, organizations try to retain and increase long-term profitability through customer loyalty. 2. Managing customer relationships requires identifying patterns of buying behavior and using that information to focus on the most promising and profitable customers. IV. Value-Driven Marketing A. To manage customer relationships, organizations must develop marketing mixes that create value for customers. Value is a customer’s subjective assessment of benefits relative to costs in determining the worth of a product (customer value = customer benefits – customer costs). . Customer bene fits include anything a buyer receives in an exchange. 2. Customer costs include anything a buyer must give up to obtain the benefits provided by the product. Costs include the monetary price of the product as well as less obvious nonmonetary costs, such as time and effort. B. The process people use to determine the value of a product is not highly scientific. C. In developing marketing activities, it is important to recognize that customers receive benefits based on their experiences. D. The marketing mix can be used to enhance perceptions of value. V. Marketing ManagementA. Marketing management is the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling marketing activities to facilitate effective and efficient exchanges. 1. â€Å"Effectiveness† is the degree to which an exchange helps achieve an organization’s objectives. 2. â€Å"Efficiency† refers to minimizing the resources an organization must spend to achieve a specific level of desired exchang es. B. Planning is a systematic process of assessing opportunities and resources, determining marketing objectives, and developing marketing strategy and plans for implementation and control.C. Organizing marketing activities involves developing the internal structure of the marketing unit. D. Proper implementation of marketing plans hinges on coordination of marketing activities, motivation of marketing personnel, and effective communication within the unit. E. The marketing control process consists of establishing performance standards, comparing actual performance with established standards, and reducing the difference between desired and actual performance. VI. The Importance of Marketing in Our Global EconomyA. Marketing Costs Consume a Sizable Portion of Buyers’ Dollars 1. About one-half of a buyer’s dollar goes to the costs of marketing. 2. Because marketing expenses consume significant portions of each dollar, it is important to know how this money is used. B. Marketing Is Used in Nonprofit Organizations 1. Marketing is also important in organizations working to achieve goals other than ordinary business objectives such as profit. 2. Government agencies engage in marketing activities to fulfill missions and goals. . In the private sector, nonprofit organizations also employ marketing activities to create, distribute, promote, and even price programs that benefit particular segments of society. C. Marketing Is Important to Business and the Economy 1. Businesses must sell products to survive and grow, and marketing activities help sell their products. 2. Marketing activities help produce profits which are essential to the survival of individual businesses and the health and ultimate survival of the global economy. D.Marketing Fuels Our Global Economy 1. Profits from marketing products contribute to the development of new products and technologies. 2. Advances in technology, along with falling political and economic barriers, and the univers al desire for a higher standard of living, have made marketing across national borders commonplace while stimulating global economic growth. E. Marketing Knowledge Enhances Consumer Awareness 1. The study of marketing allows a more effective assessment of a product’s value and flaws. 2.An understanding of marketing enables evaluation of corrective measures (such as laws, regulations, and industry guidelines) which could stop unfair, damaging, or unethical marketing practices. F. Marketing Connects People through Technology 1. New technology, especially technology related to computers and telecommunications, helps marketers understand and satisfy more customers than ever before. 2. The Internet is a vital tool for marketing to consumers and other businesses. G. Socially Responsible Marketing can Promote the Welfare of Customers and Society 1.The success of our economic system depends on marketers whose values promote trust and cooperative relationships in which customers are t reated with respect. 2. By managing concern about the impact of marketing on society, a organization can protect the interests of the general public and the natural environment. H. Marketing Offers Many Exciting Career Prospects 1. From 25 to 33 percent of all civilian workers in the U. S. perform marketing activities. 2. Whether a person earns a living through marketing activities or performs them voluntarily in non-business projects, marketing knowledge and skills are valuable assets.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Social Work Agency Policy Change Research Paper

Social Work Agency Policy Change - Research Paper Example has 21 other branches of campuses which enable the community around to benefit from about $257 million emanating from the improvements aimed at the Anaheim High School District. In spite of the institution being the government property, it is really profiting and benefiting the community and government as a whole since it provides employment to the people and the pay is also good among other lucrative benefits and advantages the employees enjoy. The school has got several awards for academic excellence. Some campuses have been recognized by the department of education in California among the best performing campuses. Others earned gold and silver medals in the awards during the World Reports for top performing high schools in the world. The mission of the institution is that the institution is a partnership with the staff, students, parents and the whole community who corporate to provide the high quality and well-rounded educational program in an environment that is safe and that nurtures learning in order to promote high expectations among all the students and employers. In addition, learning the most current skills which would help them in the critical thinking and solving problems in a more rational manner also adds up as a key objective. Anaheim High School District started in 1898 in the city of Anaheim situated in California in the United States. It is a public school and thus owned by the government. It is rated as the third oldest high school in the orange county and it is also the oldest among the most comprehensive schools. The institution begun with James Guinn as the head of the school who only offered diploma subjects and the first student graduated in 1880 with a diploma from a high school. The final examination was administered orally since it was the requirement as all the members of the public were invited for entertainment. It was in 1878 when the central school was constructed following the winning of government bond of construction of a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Technological Developments For The Field Of Art And Design Case Study

Technological Developments For The Field Of Art And Design - Case Study Example The different developments in the field of art and design have enhanced the level of designs developed and created more complicated designs that were originally not possible. Considering the different efforts and thoughts that are invested in designing, the complexity of the subject makes it mandatory and challenging for the designers to satisfactorily develop designs that they desire. The development of these designs in a manual manner creates difficulties and errors that may result in poor works and poor designs. It is therefore of vital essence to have technology applied in the field of art and design to create better designs that can have sophisticated compositions that can create a good product that matches the needs of the current technological world. The area of art has for years since its earlier developments relied heavily on bare talent that may not sustain the ideas of the developer for long. The consideration of technology into the field creates an avenue for the designers to feature more in the field and continuously produce products for a longer period without failures. The content of this paper discusses the different approaches that technology has enhanced in the field. Among the many aspects, that the world has had to do away with to pave way for technology is the association of life aspects to culture. Many of the developments and resistance that technology faced during the years was related to cultural associations that originally centered in all aspects from the way we perceive art and the different designs. Embracing culture in all these aspects makes it difficult for technology to develop better results, make the field of art, and design more successful. The resourcefulness of the field has also slowly has transformed the field with other changes that have seen to the development of better designs and more enhanced.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

False activation rates by EMS (Paramedics) and the ER doctors on STEMI Research Paper

False activation rates by EMS (Paramedics) and the ER doctors on STEMI patients - Research Paper Example In cases, when a patient experiences STEMI, it is the duty of the paramedics to detect the anomaly within the heart through the use of 12-lead electrocardiogram technique. Notably, the patients having STEMI gets examined in the ‘Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory (Cath Lab)’ setup within diverse medical facilities. However, within multiple medical facilities, the precision factor within the Cath Lab is not attained till date and as a result of which multiple cases of false activations regarding STEMI detection in patients have been addressed within the previous few years (National Center for Biotechnology Information, â€Å"Early cardiac catheterization laboratory activation by paramedics for patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction on prehospital 12-lead electrocardiograms†). With this concern, the research paper will mainly focused on evaluating and understanding the trends as well as rates of false activations in relation to STEMI depending on which, effective strategies will be formulated as how to reverse the rise in the rates of such false activations. In addition, an assessment will also be conducted on the Emergency Room (ER) doctors and the EMS determining who should be held liable for the rising rates of such issue. Apart from these, the research paper will also focus towards elaborating the cases wherein the doctors have failed in detecting and activating the STEMI patients. Finally, a comparison will be made in the research paper regarding the data provided in opposition to national trends, elaborating the strategies that can be used in enhancing the provided data. Emergency services such as Reperfusion therapy is a high cost treatment against STEMI patients, which also results in multiple negative side-effects if practiced on the wrong patients. As a result, the EMS and the ER doctors remain highly cautious in terms of identifying the appropriate symptoms before declaring a patient to be suffering from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Human Factors in aircraft operations in unfamiliar airfields Research Paper

Human Factors in aircraft operations in unfamiliar airfields - Research Paper Example As per a study, about 80% of the aircraft accidents happen during either landing or take-off of jets, and, thus, such accidents occur at close proximaty to an airport. Pilots may resort to unsafe acts, which may culminate into aircraft accidents due to human errors and violations of standard norms. This research essay will focus on the human factors witnessed by the aircrew in unfamiliar airfields and suggest ways and means to avoid and overcome fallacies that may lead to aircraft accidents. Introduction Some of the deadliest aircraft accidents happened not in the air but on the runways of airports. About 583 air passengers were killed in 1977 in the Canary Islands, when two jumbo jets crashed on a runway. A runway incursion accident in Chicago’s Midway airport in 1991 killed 34 air passengers. Unfamiliar braking system resulted in an accident in Chicago’s midway airport in December 2005. When a pilot took a wrong runway for takeoff in Lexington airstrip, about 49 air p assengers were killed in August 2006. When the captain was not able to manage for a gusty and strong cross wind during takeoff, the aircraft departed to the side of the runway in December 2008 at Denver International Airport. (NTSB 2012). Airport plays a pivotal role as it is the place where the aircraft is landing, taking off, parking, and taxing. According to ICAO (International Civil Aeronautics Organization), an aviation accident is one, which is happening of a fatal event during the operation of an aircraft. An accident in an airport may involve the following impacts namely as the accident in an airport during landing may involve severe damage to the atmosphere which includes the loss of property or life, and it may also create an acute social affliction. Further, airport accident while landing in a new location may emanate from various environmental factors like failure of equipment, human error and other associated risk elements. (Czerny, 2010, p.4-3). This research essay wil l conduct analysis about the issues faced by the pilots while landing at unfamiliar airfields and will make suggestion how to overcome the same. Issues Faced by the Pilots in Unfamiliar Airfields while Landing or Takeoff The ultimate safety of the aircraft and passengers are entrusted to the captain of the flight. There is a need on the part of the captain to understand strengths and Achilles' heel of each of the crew members and should be able to assign actions whenever it is needed. Under the Crew Resource Management (CRM), flight crew security is covered. In resolution of any probable security incident, captain is needed to treat and respect all crew members equally and properly. Proper training should be given to crew members to develop a strong state of mental ability for handling any critical situation. Each and every crew member should build up the buoyancy to be aware what is to be done in an emergency scenario and to react suitably when an incident occurs. (Williams & Wallt rip, 2004, p354). As per a study, about 80% of the jet aircraft accidents happen during either landing or take-off of flights, and thus such accidents are occurring at the proximate of an airport. Hence, there is a heightened peril of serious injury or death both to passengers and to the nearby communities residing close to the airport. If we analyze the happening of an accident during landing or take –off, one can find many reasons like the type of aircraft involved, the airport infrastructures, human factors and metrological conditions. Wong et

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Pros and cons of the different learning methods Essay

Pros and cons of the different learning methods - Essay Example Commercially purchased social studies learning – commercially purchased social studies learning such as technology assisted teaching medium (DVD tutorials, online learning) became more versatile today than they were first introduced, it still cannot facilitate critical reflection and decision making due to the limitation of the medium (Rose and Fernlund, 1997).  Ã‚   Unlike the integrative method of social studies learning where a student can infer to various discipline in synthesizing his or her interpretation of the universe, commercially purchased social studies learning are only limited to the pre-set curriculum of the program purchased.   Online learning may provide interaction but the coverage of discussion is not as comprehensive compared to integrative mode of learning. Commercially purchased social studies learning can also be costly because the mode of instruction is highly commercialized.d) Teacher-prepared social studies learning – perhaps the most commo n teaching method is the teacher prepared social studies learning.   Teachers even predate the books as learning was already facilitated through oral transfer when the printed text was not yet around.   Transfer of knowledge is typically done on a lecture where a student can ask a question and the teacher answering the same.   The method of learning through a teacher prepared curriculum or lesson plan is no longer responsive to the need of the present environment where students has to interpret and synthesize information and making meaning out of them.   Lectures delivered by teacher prepared syllabus are limited to the range of knowledge of the teacher thus making synthesis limited due to the limitation of the input. This type of learning however is also cost effective because the cost associated to the transfer of knowledge and skill is only limited to covering the salary of the teacher and his or her instruction materials. III. Supplementary Materials The usage of chart to compare and contrast the pros and cons of integrated social studies learning,

Monday, September 23, 2019

May Make You Lose Control by Anne Joosten Assignment

May Make You Lose Control by Anne Joosten - Assignment Example Self-control requires resources. Repeated use of these resources depletes them leading to a state known as ego depletion. Decision-making is a major cause of ego depletion, implying that leaders, who have many decisions to make every day, are prone to self-control failure. However, the article argues that moral identity is one factor that can limit ego depletion; it is the illustration of moral values. The article explains that the study involved measurements of moral identity and unethical leader behavior. The research investigated the prevalence of deviant behaviors among leaders at work. The hypothesis was that depletion of self-regulation would lead to unethical behaviors, particularly among the leaders with low moral identity. Testing of the hypothesis involved two studies with study 1 using a validated depletion task in a controlled laboratory setting to allow drawing of conclusions. Study 2 is a cross-sectional multisource study, relied on the leader’s personal rating of their depletion and moral identity and its purpose was to allow generalization of the findings to the setting of an organization where leaders function meaningfully on daily basis. Study 1 involved seventy-eight undergraduate students from a Dutch university. They included 41 males and 37 females. Assigning of the two experimental conditions of self-regulatory depletion or no depletion was random. The article explains that study 1 involved two stages with participants responding to a bogus leadership ability questionnaire and moral identity measure through the internet for stage 1. Stage 2, a regulatory depletion task, took place in a laboratory, 24 hours after stage 1. Completion of the regulatory depletion task took two phases. In the first phase, the participants completed a task under the no depletion condition while in the second phase; they completed tasks under two different conditions; no depletion and high depletion.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reading Response to a Poem Essay Example for Free

Reading Response to a Poem Essay The poem â€Å"Wild Geese† by Mary Oliver was a very inspirational poem. Oliver creatively uses imaginative language, emotion, symbolism, and romanticism which led to a very positive and upbeat tone in her poem. Throughout this poem, the one thing that I focused on was the positive and upbeat tones that this poem contained. By her use of symbolic and imaginative language in â€Å"Wild Geese†, the reader is opened to Mary Oliver’s underlying meaning behind her literary prose. Furthermore, the calm romantic tone of this thought provoking poem, raises positive emotions to rise up out of the moment, and invites us to further take a look at ourselves. Mary Oliver immediately engages the reader into considering the true meaning behind her choice of words. In lines one through five, the reader can envision being in a very noble place where rules are always followed. Mary Oliver (1986) noted that, â€Å"You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves† I believe that she is saying that you do not have to follow the rules of society by bowing down to others or to repent for being who you are. Oliver used the symbol of an animal, you should do what you love to do and not worry about having to say you are sorry. With that being said, animals never have to apologize for being who God or the Creator made them to be. In lines six and seven, she again uses emotion and romanticism to bring out the feeling of her readers. Oliver (1986) noted that, â€Å"Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on†. She cleverly shows that we all have problems and yet the world will still go on. God or the Creator never promised us an easy life. In lines eight through eleven, Oliver uses the symbols of nature once again to show us that life is still going on no matter what problems we face. Oliver (1986) noted that, Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees,   the mountains and the rivers. She uses the emotional state of the reader along with the quiet romantic tones to show that although you will go through trying times in life, it will not last forever. She uses the symbolism of the wild geese, in lines twelve and thirteen, to show that we will always be guided to our destinations. All we have to do is allow our natural instincts to guide us just as the wild geese are guided home by natural instinct. In lines fourteen through fifteen, Oliver uses emotion and imaginative language to let the reader know that no matter who you are, or how lonely you feel, the world is for you to design it. The reader needs to use his/ her imagination. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. She again uses the symbolic nature of the wild geese to illustrate this concept. Last but not least, in lines sixteen through eighteen, she again uses imaginative language to challenge the reader to not conform to the world. The reader can use their imagination to break free from their conventional life styles and to join their place in the family of nature. In nature, there are no rules, but the ones that you create, where you are free to be as the â€Å"Wild Geese†. In conclusion, I found the poem â€Å"Wild Geese† by Mary Oliver extremely inspirational. She creatively uses imaginative language, emotion, symbolism, and romanticism to convey a very positive and upbeat tone in her poem. Throughout this poem, the one thing that I continuously focused on was the positive and upbeat tones that this poem contains. This is a very inspirational and uplifting poem. It encourages us to go beyond the plan that is laid out for us by society and lends us permission to be who we were destined to be. Throughout this entire poem, we are given permission to shake off all of life’s discretions, throw caution to the wind, and be as wild and free as nature intended us to be. References Clugston, W. R. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

On the Ageing Population Essay Example for Free

On the Ageing Population Essay With the development of the advanced society, increasingly numbers of nations are facing the ageing problem. The aging population, the fraction of the population aged 65 and over exceeds 8-10%, has been universally recognized as one of the worldwide social issues in 21 century. We are ageing—not just as individuals or communities but as a world. In 2006, almost 500 million people worldwide were 65 and older. By 2030, that total is projected to increase to 1 billion—1 in every 8 of the earth’s inhabitants. Usually, the ageing problem would happen in the developed countries, however, some developing countries are facing the same problem as well. China, as the biggest developing nation, is facing serious ageing problem. According to 2010 census, China has already become an aging society, with 177.648 million elderly over 60 years old, about 13 percent of the total population. Depending on the report released by CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Science), the age of 65 in China will overtake that of Japan in 2030, which will make the world’s most aged society. Unfortunately, China is the only country with more than 100 million people aged over 60 in the world and the countrys economy is not well prepared for a rapidly expanding aging population. In such situation, China faces more difficulties than any other nations. Chinese current pension system, medical care system and social service sectors cannot meet the demands of all senior citizens. As we all know, in the past three decades, China created a miracle thanks to the largest cheep labor force in the world, which had contributed nearly 27 percent to Chinese economic growth. Nowadays, because of the increasing life expectancy and low birth rate (one child policy), the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing. According to statistics, compared with 2000, the scale of young Chinese labor force aged from 20 to 29 has already reduced about 15% in 2010, which will affect Chinese economy, as the number of potential workers, especially from rural areas, will shrink. Chinese government as well as the outside is worrying about that China will slow or even stop the developing pace on account of the shrink of labor force, since Chinese economy benefits a lot from the demographic dividend. How can we solve this problem effectively has been attached great importance by Chinese government. The Setting In the late 1970s, China has carried out one-child policy to control the population growth. With the launch of the one-child policy, Vice Premier Chen Muhua expressed his fear: â€Å"Young people under 30 years of age account for about 65 percent of the total population, or around 630 million. Some have already reached the age of fertility, and the majority of the remainder will do so within the next 10 to 20 years or so. If population growth is not controlled, it will reach a high peak, making it virtually impossible for the economy and our social institutions to cope with.† In that circumstance, China has put one-child policy into practice until now. There’s no doubt that one-child policy has played a role in contributing, along with urbanization, to a reduced rate of population expansion and the temporary creation of a population with a dependency ratio lower than it otherwise would have been. However, one-child policy as well brings some problems to our society. For instance, currently, China is undergoing a family restructuring process. The former pyramid shape is being replaced by an inverse pyramid. The typical Chinese family today can be classified as 4-2-1. 4 represents the parents and parents-in-law, 2 represents the husband and wife, and the 1 refers to the only child of the couple. And the center of the family is on the 1— the grandchild. The form of 4-2-1 family leads to the condition that the 2 have to prepare for both the older and the younger generations. To the 2, they have to take care of their parents and child both on material and immaterial life. At present, the 4-2-1 family structure is emerging and will replace the previous family structure in China. Moreover, the middle 2 have to shoulder all the responsibilities of their families. Besides, because Chinese current pension system, medical care system and social service sectors cannot meet the dem ands of all senior citizens, the children of these aged people have to shoulder more responsibilities. Policy Initiatives Based on the problem of ageing population, Chinese government has already launched a new policy to relieve the shortage of labor force market. If the couple matches certain conditions, they can have two babies. Here listed some conditions. Both parties are only child in their respective family; Their only child is diagnosed of having a non-genetic disease and unable to grow up to be a normal laborer; Either party is infertile but the wife becomes pregnant after having adopted a child legally; Remarried couples with the total number of children from previous marriages not exceeding one and so on. Furthermore, relaxing the requirements on emigration application can attract more immigrants to relieve the lack of labor force. Taking Canada as an example, Canada needs to attract hundreds of thousands of skilled workers from abroad to make up a labor shortfall. Since the 1990s, the federal immigration program has targeted people who have the experience and training that are in demand, incl uding medical doctors, nurses, cooks, electricians, welders and other professionals. It is also a good idea for Chinese government to attract some skilled immigrants. Although ageing population challenges a certain nation’s pension system, medical care system, social service and economy, it is not always about negative effects. From the bright sight, the occurrence of the ageing problem is a good opportunity for China to switch from a labor-intensive country to a technology-intensive country. Actually, ageing population itself is not horrible; the key point is how to respond it wisely. If the government can handle this problem effectively, ageing can also become a moment for the Chinese society to promote economy and realize the economic transition. Chinese government can not only be satisfied with the current situation â€Å"World Factory†, instead, it is time for us to transit to a technology-intensive country. Taking Finland as an example, Finland started its industrialization very late, in the early 20th century; Finland was stuck in the structural crisis of its leading industries forest industry, iron and steel, shipbuilding, textile and clothing. But, Finland used that chance and realized the transition successfully. Nowadays, although Finland is facing the ageing problem, it is still on the top list of worldwide competitiveness because of its pillar industry electronics. The well-known mobile phone brand – Nokia is the best proof of the successful transition of Finland’s economy. Finland people are proud of their advanced technology and eager to innovate. Compared with Finland people, Chinese people like to plagiarize and copy others’ ideas and products rather than innovate by ourselves. Copying and manufacturing blindly can not make us profit a lot to promote the economy and compete with other nations. There’s no doubt that such kind of countries lack the competitiveness in the world and the prospects for development. As we all know, the price of iphone 4 is from $499 to $699, but the cost of an iphone 4 is only about $188 or even less. The Apple Inc. let some developing countries to manufacture these components of iphone 4 and pay the workers less money, since the labor force in developing countries is very cheap. Though China benefits a lot from the cheap labor force, the wages of Chinese workers often do not follow international standards. As we can see that the one who master the core technology can earn more money, while the one who just copies and manufactures can only get a little money. Therefore, the lacking of labor force urges China to switch from a labor-intensive country to a technology-intensive country. In that case, China will be able to achieve more balanced and sustained growth in the future. In addition, since the aged, purely a group of consumers who have many demands can bring a lot of opportunities. Due to the unique background of China, the industries related to the aged will have bright prospects, such as health care industry, entertainment industry, tourist industry and etc. The consuming on account of filial piety can contribute a lot to China’s economy. Conclusion With the development of the advanced society, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. And the emergence of ageing population will cause repercussions on the labor market, economic growth potential, public finances and other fields. At present, the ageing population is going to become a mass phenomenon in the near future, which will not only change the economy system, but also shake the base of society as such. To China, answering ageing problem correctly is of great urgency. Encouraging couples to have the second child and relaxing the requirements on emigration application to attract more immigrants to relieve the shortage of labor force are both the solutions to the ageing problem of China. Additionally, China can not be satisfied with gaining benefits through manufacturing products all the time. It’s time to do the economic transition with the wealth which we gained from the demographic dividend. Chinese government can invest much money to develop the technology, which will acquire better economic profits and development prospect. In that case, China will be able to achieve more balanced and sustained growth in the future. Although China has not well prepared for the ageing population, China can regard it as an opportunity to realize the transition of economy. What’s more, we should not treat the aged as a burden or a threat to our society. On the contrary, the industries which are related with the aged will be the emerging industries in the future. If Chinese government can solve the ageing problem effectively, the chances offered by ageing population can be used to their full extent, which will bring more opportunities to China.

Friday, September 20, 2019

An Overview Of Immigrants In Malaysia

An Overview Of Immigrants In Malaysia Throughout human history, migration of human beings is a pre-requisite of human progress and development. Without migration, human being would be doomed to an existence worse than that of the animals. Even animals migrate to seek a better life. The first humans migrated out of Southern Africa thousands of years ago and spread throughout the world and people have been moving about since then. People also migrate because of factors like wars, poverty, discrimination, and for political or even religious reasons. In modern times, people often migrate for security, work and even for education opportunities. Organised immigrant labour migration and free immigration in Malaysia took place under the British colonial administration in the 19th century. During this period, the British required immigrant labour from China, India and Indonesia to help them in the exploitation of natural resources of the colonised countries establishing plantations and building infrastructure. It is mainly because of immigrant labour provide a steady, adequate and cheap supply of workers at a time when the locals labour was either deemed unsuitable or was not interested in working under the same harsh conditions as migrant labour. This period of free movement into Malaya saw large numbers arriving to work as well as returning home. However, because of free immigration and economic difficulties in the countries of origin, many immigrant workers decide to settle down in Malaya permanently. Malaysias rapid economic development since independence has relied on Malaysian workers moving from rural-to-rural and rural-to-urban areas and immigrant workers, especially from Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other Asian countries. In the case of movement from rural-to-rural areas, rapid migration was swift mainly by government intervention in rural development and agriculture. Rural-to-urban migration accelerated after government intervention in urban and industrial development was stepped up, especially after the second Malaysia Plan. The push and pull factors at the international level in the region also caused workers to migrate to Malaysia for employment. The accelerated economic development programmes and the sustained high economic growth rates in Malaysia over approximately three decades caused the influx of immigrant workers to meet the increasing demand in the Malaysian labour market. 2.2 WHY PEOPLE MIGRATE There are many theories that attempt to explain why people migrate. Among others is the need and stress theory  [30]  . This theory holds that every individual has got his own needs to be fulfilled. These needs take various forms including economic, social, psychological and cultural. The higher the chances that an individuals needs will not able to be fulfilled, the higher the stress he suffers from. If this stress grows beyond tolerable limits, the individual will force himself to move to a different area, which seems to promise possible fulfilment of his needs. The migration of people from one country to another country is not a new phenomena. Since early days of colonialism, the colonial powers travelled around the world in search for raw material and new territory. Some of them moved to seek for freedom of worship and some even moved because of the instability of the government. The migration of Muslims from British India to form an Islamic state of Pakistan is one of the biggest voluntary migrations in history  [31]  . Wars and conflicts are another reason for mass movements of people and this kind of movement is categorized as refuges. Because of the situation are so serious, the international consciences were moved and many voluntary organisations were formed to assist these refugees. The Vietnamese Boat People is a good example of the mass movement of people of this nature. Today, we still can see refugees fleeing their country because of war and a good example is the latest situation in Liberia and Sudan. These people who enter another country through unofficial channels are known as illegal immigrants who later, may create problem to the host country. In modern days, seeking for a better life and a stable economy become the main factors that influences migration. Sociologist have long analysed migration in terms of the push-pull model  [32]  . This model differentiates between push factors that drive people to leave home from pull factors that attract migrants to a new location. Push factors occurs within sending states, that is, those that send migrants abroad, while the pull factors occur within receiving states, that is states that received migrants from abroad. Push factors are negative aspects of the sending country, while pull factors are positive aspects of the receiving country  [33]  . In fact, these differentiating factors are really two sides of the same coin. In moving migrants must not only see a lack of benefits at home but also a surplus of benefits abroad. There are also more ambiguous factors, called network factors that can either facilitate or deter migration. Generally, the network factors are the networks of friends and relatives already settled in destination countries that serve as sources of information and anchor communities for newcomers  [34]  . The network factors also include, cost of travel, the ease of communication and international business trend. These factors are not related to a specific country, but still have a profound effect on international migration. The Pull Factor Generally, there are two factors attracting migrants to receiving countries. First, the higher standards of living and higher wages; economic provide the both biggest push and pull factors for potential migrants  [35]  . Second, Labour Demand; almost all developed countries have found that they need immigrant labour. Rich economies create millions of jobs that domestic workers refuse to fill but immigrant workers will cross borders to take  [36]  . In the case of Malaysia, a wave of labour migration began in the early 70s where shortage of labour became critical especially in the plantation sectors. In mid 80s, the labour shortage becomes acute and this has attracted more immigrant workers into the country. The Push Factor Generally, there are several reasons driving people to emigrate from their home country. First, lack of jobs/poverty; economic provides the main reason behind migration  [37]  . In some countries jobs simply do not exist for a great deal of the population. In others, the gap between the rewards of labour in the sending and receiving country are great enough so as to warrant a move. Second, civil strife, war, political and religious persecution; some migrants are impelled to cross national borders by war or persecution at home  [38]  . Some of these migrants end up in receiving countries as refugees or asylum seekers. Third, environmental problems  [39]  ; environmental problems and natural disasters often cause the loss of money, homes and jobs. The Networking The demand-pull of jobs is linked to the supply push of low wages and joblessness by migration networks. Migration network encompasses everything that enables people to learn about opportunities abroad and take advantage of them. Others are motivated to go abroad by family members who are working or settled down in the host country, contractors, labour brokers and other often-shadowy middlemen or tekong who promise the migrants better deals. 2.3 WHY MALAYSIA BECOME MIGRANT DESTINATION The theory of migration occurs because of the sending and receiving factors mainly due to the push-pull and supply-demand forces. The influx of immigrant workers to Malaysia is not a recent phenomena. Malaysia replicates the complexity of international migration that exercises both of imports and exports of labour. Better economic growth and Malaysias geographical location that shares common borders with it neighbouring countries has become a pull-factor for migration to Malaysia. In contrast, the economic disparity, inequality and poverty in the country of origin serve as the push-factor for them to migrate, looking for jobs and better living. Generally, there are many other reasons why these immigrant workers choose Malaysia as their destination. First, Malaysia geographical location, second, the stable and sound government, third, labours shortage, fourth, higher wages and finally, the employer attitudes. Geographical Location Malaysia geographical location, which is in the centre of South East Asia is easily accessible either by land or sea. In addition, the easy access and the shortage of enforcing agencies along the extended shores and entry points into Malaysia have caused the entry of many illegal immigrants undetected. Stable and Sound Government Since independence, Malaysia has been governed by a stable government and with sound economic growth. This political and economical stability has become the main attraction for migration. Comparatively, Malaysia has been seen as the most stable nation in this region in comparison to her neighbours. As such, others have regarded this country as an oasis in the region. Labour Shortage Malaysia has been experiencing a very high level of industrial development and it has developed further to be classified as a newly industrialized country. Therefore, from the human assets perspective the country has generated a huge demand of the work force especially unskilled workers for immediate employment in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. The labour shortage in Malaysia has become an important issues and employing immigrant workers is considered to be the most viable short-term solution. Higher Wages Generally, the immigrant workers in Malaysia can be regarded as an economic migrant. Comparatively, Malaysian employers pay higher wages to the immigrant workers for a similar job back home. This situation is made even worse, where the wages offered is considered low for the local workers. Thus, it opens the job opportunities to the immigrant workers. The Employer Attitude The Malaysian employers attitude is also another pulling factors that attracted foreign workers. Beside that, it is suspected that there has been a simultaneous entry of huge number of illegal workers as well. Similar to the legal workers, the illegal workers were also employed in the construction, manufacturing and service sectors at a very low wage rate. It is a known fact that employers prefer this arrangement for various reasons such as a lower overhead cost and preventing them from registering to the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Social Security Organization (SOCSO), medical and social benefits. For the illegal immigrants, because of their unlawful status, they become less demanding in terms of salary and other privileges. As for the employers, in order to boost their production, the illegal immigrant workers can be easily employed to work extra hours with minimum wages. 2.4 THE MIGRANT COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Most of the immigrant workers in Malaysia came from her neighbouring countries; Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand  [40]  . However, in early 90s, immigrant workers from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal and few other countries started to dominate the Malaysias labour workforce. Therefore, it is only realistic to identify the country of origin of the immigrant workers and examine the push factors that make them migrate to this country. Indonesia Being the largest country in this region with 1.9 million sq km, Indonesia is facing administrative problems in trying to govern the nations vast regions equally. To develop the whole country, it requires massive effort and resources and this have created a gap between the provinces. Some parts of the country enjoy multi multi-fold development while others are still left far behind  [41]  . The problems of socio-economy seem to have centred on its big population, since Indonesia is the fourth most populous country with approximately 225 million. The Indonesian economy is dependence on oil and gas, plywood, textiles, rubber and palm oil. However, the limited resources and infrastructure available were not adequate to accommodate the demands of growing population  [42]  . This among other factors has caused poverty, which is estimated 24% of its population. Beside that, unprecedented turmoil in recent years, first the Asian financial crisis, followed by the fall of President Suharto, the first free election since 1960, the loss of East Timor, independence demands from restive provinces, bloody inter-ethnic and religious conflict and devastating tsunami had worsen the economic situation, increased the inflation and unemployment rates. Thailand Like Indonesia, Thailand is also facing the problem of poverty, where 80% of the population lives in the rural areas and most of them are poor farmers. The reason is simple; the Thai government is concentrating more on defence rather than the socio-economy development of the country. Philippines The Philippines, which consist of 3,666 islands, is facing almost similar problem like Indonesia in terms of administration and developments of the provinces. Beside that, religious conflict between Islam and Christian has imposed serious threat to the country. This is coupled with the uneven development between the provinces, which has created a disparity situation amongst the citizen while the armed revolution by the militant groups in Southern Philippines post a major threat to its internal security. Bangladesh This small country with a large population is facing many problems. The high rates of poverty and political instability of the country has influenced the citizen to look for better opportunities in other countries. The country also constantly experiences natural disaster such as floods and drought, which made the situation worst. Myanmar The close policy of Myanmar to the outside world is one of the reasons for the backwardness of the country. The poverty rates is very high amongst the population of 85% Buddhist. Being a poor country, Myanmar faces the same socio-economy problem and political instability, which hinder the development of the country. Nepal With its ancient culture and the Himalaya as a backdrop, the landlocked Kingdom of Nepal has for many years been the destination of choice for foreign travellers in search of adventure. The country with an area of 147,181 sq km and 26.3 million people is one of the poorest countries in the world where more than 40% of its population is estimated to live in poverty. Being a landlocked country with limited agriculture and other industries, Nepal economy relies mainly on tourist industries. However, the current political turmoil and the growing Maoist guerrilla insurgency movement that keeps the tourist away are now undermining the Nepal economies. Maoist rebels have been waging a campaign against the constitutional monarchy in a conflict that has left more than 11,000 people dead since it started in 1996. Based on the UN reports, it is indicated that, the rebellion has displaced more than 100,000 people  [43]  . Nepal also has been at odds with neighbouring Bhutan over the repatriation of thousands of refugees living in camps in Nepal. The refugees, Bhutanese of Nepalese descent fled violence in their homeland in early 1990s. With these ongoing problems, worsen economy and political situation has drive away the people to look for a better living in other countries. Other Countries Other than the countries mentioned, there are also immigrant workers from India, Pakistan, China, Middle East and even African countries. These countries are also facing the same socio-economy problem and political instability. However, the numbers is not as high as the other immigrants from the Malaysias neighbouring countries. Some enter the country legally but had extended their stay although their visa had expired. Their main reason in doing so is to earn a better living in this country. 2.5 SUMMARY In summary, Malaysia needs the immigrant workers for the development, but their presence should not dominate the labour work force because they will definitely pose some positive and negative impact as well as threat to the national security. The positive and negative impact of their presence varies. From the economic perspective, their employment helped the continuous development and economic growth of the country by filling the gap of the acute labour shortages. On contrary, their presence and employment depress wages and this has reduced the competitiveness of local workers and frustrates attempt made by the trade unions to improve their working terms and conditions. A productive and competitive workforce is crucial for Malaysia in order to develop a knowledge-based economy and to achieve its aspiration of becoming a fully developed nation. However, most of the immigrant workers are unskilled or semi skilled labours with lower academic background. Therefore, the government has to formulate a comprehensive policy governing this requirement, which will definitely incur extra cost and procedures to the employer. As a result of this bureaucracy, the employer often blamed the process of importing workers as being lengthy and tedious process. Therefore, they recruited illegal workers who are readily available for employment. Socially, being less educated, poor and lower social class, these immigrants workers seem to be un-stabled economically, physically and mentally. As a result, negative competitions for a better living can emerged from these situations. For example; their incursion into non-designated jobs like petty trading imposes unnecessary competition to the local traders. They also compete with the locals for cheaper housing especially in the urban areas, which resulted the rise in rental and short supply of houses. Some of them are even move into developing new illegal squatters and this has impose strain on the basic amenities in the areas. Any slightest conflicts resulted from this competition might turn into social clashes between the immigrants and the locals. Immigrant workers have also been seen as a threat to security and political stability. This stems from their ignorance of the countrys law. This can be seen from various activities such as, illegal entry, involve in criminal activities, over staying, opening government land illegally, and many others. These activities will definitely have serious implication on security. Illegal entry for examples, implies that Malaysias has porous borders and was unable protect the borders, allowing not only economic migrants to come through but also any subversive elements. Illegal entry will also enables those with contagious diseases to filter through and spread it to the population.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dale Chihuly: The Man Behind the Masterpiece Essay -- Artists Artist A

Dale Chihuly: The Man Behind the Masterpiece The artist is known not only for his glasswork—which displays exuberant colors, exotic shapes, and a dramatic scale—but also for his outlandish lifestyle and appearance. According to William Warmus, author of The Essential Dale Chihuly, â€Å"Henry Geldzahler, former curator of contemporary art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, once said that the striking Chihuly ‘looks like a pirate and sometimes acts like a pirate,’ leading the life of a nomad and traveling the world over to orchestrate museum shows, glassblowing sessions, and installations of his work† (10). Chihuly’s trademark look includes: About the artist: â€Å"One of my favorite artists is Harry Houdini. Maybe that’s what I’m trying to be—a magician.† Dale Chihuly was born on September 20, 1941, in Tacoma, Washington. A butcher’s son, he was born into a humble, working-class family. His only brother died in a navy training accident in 1957. Months later, his father suffered a fatal heart attack. Chihuly was devastated by the loss, but his mother convinced him to go on to college. While attending the University of Washington, Chihuly completed an assignment to use nonfiber material in a weaving†¦As Warmus recalls: This proves to be the occasion of his first serious glass artwork, Glass Weaving, in which glass shards are interlaced with metal wires that he has fused into glass. Smitten with his new art form, Chihuly is awarded the Seattle Weavers Guild Award in 1964 for his innovative use of glass and fiber. (Warmus 17) The Child and the Adult: Many of Chihuly’s childhood experiences influenced his art later in life: Young Dale spends much of his childhood at the beach with his family, and enjo... ...p of that, Chihuly has his own publishing company, Portland Press, and published several books on his own. Some of these can be found on his website at the big picture: Besides the colossal glass works that Chihuly has spread across the planet, how is he contributing to society? Although most known as Dale Chihuly, the artist, it is Dale Chihuly, the character, who has contributed the most to society. He is an unrestrainedly free spirit, seeking out energy, life, and peace of mind through a pursuit of beauty. It just happens that art is his way of sharing these sensations with the world. References Chihuly. 20 Nov. 2001 . Form From Fire: Educator Resource Packet. Dayton: Dayton Art Institute, 2001. Warmus, William. The Essential Dale Chihuly. New York: Wonderland Press, 2000.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

morgan horses :: essays research papers

Justin Morgan was a living legend. Born in 1789, Justin Morgan started life as a small, rough-coated colt known as "Figure." Gradually, the local population began to talk about the feats of "the Justin Morgan horse". Justin Morgan also proved to be one of the greatest breeding horses of all time. While most breeds develop by breeding horses of similar characteristics to each other, Justin Morgan's ability to pass his characteristics to his offspring for generations to come allowed this single stallion to found an entire breed in his likeness. Today, every registered Morgan traces back to Justin Morgan through his best-known sons Bulrush, Sherman, and Woodbury. As America grew so did the feats of the Morgan. During the Civil War, Morgans served as cavalry mounts and artillery horses. A cavalryman was only as good as his horse and the Morgan is mentioned in many sources as a highly desired horse during the Civil War. The First Vermont Cavalry, mounted entirely on Morgans, gained a wide spread reputation as a fighting unit. The first Morgan Horse Register was published in 1894. In the Civil War, the famed Vermont Cavalry was mounted on Morgan horses. Not only did the Union's General Sheridan ride his Morgan Rienzi, Stonewall Jackson rode his Morgan, 'Little Sorrel,' for the Confederacy as well! In the Indian Wars, the only survivor in the Battle of the little Big Horn was Keogh's Morgan-bred horse Comanche. Crosses to the fastest Morgan blood produced the great speed of today’s racing Standard breds. The foundation sire of the Tennessee Walking horse, Allen F-1, was a grandson of the Morgan stallion Bradford's Telegraph. The oldest of all American breeds the Morgan was strong enough to contribute greatly to almost every other American light horse breed while retaining its own identity across two centuries. In barns and show rings across the country, the Morgan show horses flash by with heads high, eyes bright, and nostrils wide - Morgan quality showing in every hair on their gleaming, muscular bodies. The Morgan legend has also spread around the world. Morgans worked along side their owners clearing fields and forests. By locating second, third, and fourth generation descendants of the original Morgan horse, they established the foundations of the breed. The majority of Morgans, however, did their daily work willingly and efficiently. They were highly regarded as general-purpose horses capable of performing a wide variety of tasks.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Brothers Murder Essay

In â€Å"A Brother’s Murder† by Brent Staples, found in Evergreen text book Brent Staples write’s about his younger brother, Blake, who took a very different path in life than his brother Brent did. In the beginning of the essay Brent writes that he receives a phone call that Blake has been murdered by being shot six times by a former – friend. The choices Blake Staples and his perception on life is what led to his death. It was just a matter of time before Blake either was to kill or be killed. The essay goes on to tell about the conditions in which Blake grew up. The neighborhood in which the brothers lived was violent, and young men grew into having a street life persona. Through-out Blake’s life he witnessed many situations caused by violence. Brent recalls a conversation he overheard there between two Vietnam veterans, in which one of them said how much he preferred to fight with young men from the inner city, who wear â€Å"their manhood on their sleeves. † They weren’t afraid to fight, believing that violence proved they were real men. Brent and Blake moved away from their home in Chester, Pennsylvania to escape the environment filled with violence and poverty. Whereas Brent moved to Chicago to better himself by becoming a journalist, Blake moved to Roanoke, Virginia into the same violent and drug infested environment. Blake chose his way of life by engaging and surrounding himself in negative behaviors such as drugs, guns, and gang violence. Blake’s actions provoked his death. When Brent came home to visit his brother sees that his Blake has been transformed and now hangs out with drug dealers and gangs. When Brent went to see his brother Blake in Roanoke, Virginia Brent realized his little brother was worse than when they left Chester, Pennsylvania. When Brent notices a wound on his brother’s hand, Blake shrugs it off as â€Å"kickback from a shotgun†. That he feared for his younger brother’s life and tried to talk some sense into him. Brent offered his younger brother a ticket to leave the dangerous drug infested projects and Blake refused never showing even though he said he would. My conclusion to this essay is that how two brother who faced the same struggles and who lived in the same environment can take two totally different paths in life by the choices that each of the individual’s take. Brent blames himself for his brother’s death feeling guilty and empty questioning himself what he could have done to prevent his brother’s murder and what if he intervened earlier offering him to leave the projects.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Strawberries: Poetry and Essay Christopher Callaghan

Strawberries – Critical Essay Christopher Callaghan 12th September 2012 â€Å"Strawberries† by Edwin Morgan is a loving poem, which explores the wonders of human emotions such as love, lust and fear. The poet’s purpose in writing this piece was to educate the reader and to evoke emotions with poetic techniques. Morgan uses some extremely effective metaphors in this poem to describe his relationship with his partner: â€Å"We dipped them in sugar, looking at each other. † The sugar signifies that there is something artificial about the relationship, that it needs sweetened. Looking at each other† signifies how confident and at ease they are around each other. This lets the reader know that this is a real relationship which has matured through time. The poet also uses sentence structure to show how memories fade through time, the further the reader goes through the poem, the shorter each stanza gets. This shows that the poet wanted to write the memory down before he forgot it. The writer also uses very clever word choice to enhance the reader’s understanding of the situation: â€Å"With the two forks crossed. † This hints to the reader that the poem is in fact about two men.Morgan couldn’t obviously point this out as at the time it was written, homosexuality was illegal. This lets the reader know difficult it must have been for someone not being allowed to express their love without the fear of persecution. I think that it is wrong to force someone to hide their love, no matter what form. In conclusion, â€Å"Strawberries† is a loving, thought provoking poem which shows that there is nothing sinful about love. Morgan uses effective poetry techniques such as sentence structure and metaphors to show that any form of love is still love.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Persuasive speech Essay

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? What about our communication skills? Well, there are many social networking sites out there. â€Å"35% of adults and 65% of teens in America who use the internet have profiles on social networking sites†. I feel because so how many have an account on these sites it is hurting our society. Additionally, people are not having face to face interaction, and these social networking sites are hurting peoples communication skills.Everyone has social networking these days. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are the leading forms of social media right now. I know all of us are guilty of it. I have problems with it just writing the outline. Social Networking can be very beneficial to us, but it is very harmful. By the end of my speech, I want the audience to know that there are many negatives to social networking. I am speaking on this topic, because social networking has many negative aspects. With it being so popular, people need to be aware of these dangers. Main Values: First value is Safety. Second value is Real life social skills. Now, let’s just take some precautions and look at the safety hazards. Safety. Safety is not being exposed to the risk or harm of danger. Social networking is not safe, because there is a lot of information on the internet that can travel fast. People share private information that can get into the hands of the wrong people. Online Scams or computer hacks can cause information to be stolen and your identity to be taken. People shouldn’t post personal information on social media sites. Always put a password on your accounts and put the private mode on your sites. This won’t completely protect it, but it helps. The misguided belief is that even though you have a password or security setting that your social media is safe. People post personal information on their sites like phone numbers, an address, or a class schedule. This should be avoided because you don’t know who is looking at it. Social Skills. Communication skills are used when talking to a person. You learn to be hospitable generous, patient, and kind hearted when talking to people face to face. You learn skills you need to use for the rest of your life. Social networking prevents people from face to face communication. Communicating with virtual friends can lead to people not having the time to  socialize with real people. Social media isn’t the right kind of social. Being on social media doesn’t mean that you are being social in the right way. According to interview with Dr. John Cacioppo, who is a professor in neuroscience at the University of Chicago, tells that â€Å"You can end up online so much that you end up sacrificing face-to-face contact. Having 4000 friends on Facebook might make you feel that you have lots of friends, but you have no face-to-face contact. In that case, loneliness increases.† It is not possible to make real relationship if people do not meet face to face. Being on too much social media causes depression and anxiety which actually makes you seem less outgoing. If you spend less time on social media, you can start improving real person relationships. Health conditions. Social media is responsible for revolutionizing traditional communication. However, research has shown that social networking sites can be very addictive. People who use social networking sites for their daily communication are hooked to a point that they neglect health responsibilities, especially their diet. The addictive nature of social media leads to eating disorders, obesity, heart problems, sleep disorders, and other pertinent health issues. Additionally, constant exposure to the internet because of social networking addiction prevents a child or teen from engaging in physical activities and socialization. They become so dependent on it that they start to think making contact with other people outside the social network is not necessary. As such, they become socially and physically stagnant. In conclusion, Social media isn’t always what we think it is. There are risks and downfalls to it. Cutting back on social networking is a sustainable thing because it has become, such a large part of our society. We want this world to be as comfortable as possible. You can do that by being safe, creating relationships, and continuing to grow as a person. We don’t have to stop social networking, we just need to be more aware about how safe we are being about it and how much we use it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Challenges Involved With Business Leadership

The universe today is involved with the challenges of leading with assorted coevalss. As the work force contains differing coevalss with different values and positions of the universe, there is an sum of struggle that can happen and how one can turn to these concerns. In her article Generational Diversity Roberta Jackson provinces, â€Å" For the first clip, four coevalss work side by side in the work force † ( Jackson, Paragraph 1 ) . â€Å" This is an exciting clip because a work force comprised of assorted coevalss brings a alone profusion to our work force † ( Jackson, Paragraph 1 ) . In endeavoring to convey these coevalss together to work efficaciously, this paper will present the assorted coevals ‘s thoughts, values, and work moralss. The paper will research thoughts and recommendations on how to take such a diverse group of persons. In order to add a successful generational differences constituent to the company, it ‘s critical to understand the three coevalss and the features of each. Existing in the work force today are baby boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. Together, the different personalities of each coevals work together to organize the work force that exists today. Baby Boomers consist of those that were born between 1946 and 1964 ; they are characterized by societal alteration and increasing richness, because they grew up in a clip of richness. As a group, they were the healthiest and wealthiest coevals to that clip, turning up truly anticipating the universe to better with clip ( Simons, 2010 ) . Baby boomers tend to believe of themselves as a particular coevals and the blackwashs of the Kennedy brothers and Dr. Martin Luther King, profoundly affected them and fueled their fire in rejecting or redefining traditional values. Their concern and authorities patterns focus on physical, centralized, and institutionalised paper filing. Baby boomers have important regard for institutional information ; and they view engineerings used for pull offing affairs of record as artefacts of the organisational civilization ( Simons, 2010 ) . This coevals grew up in a clip when people had to do forfeits. They were besides the mark of persuasive doses of optimism, and of authorities pledges to brush out all corruptness and inefficiency from public disposal. They besides experienced a military coup d'etat and witnessed the transmutation of the construct of democracy into a extremist rejection of upset ( Motta & A ; Schewe, 2008 ) . Generation X Generation X consists of those born between 1965 and 1981. They are usually characterized as misanthropic, pessimistic and individualist and are known for being comfy with alteration and diverseness. Some feel that they are non likely to be loyal to a company as a consequence of being independent and self-sufficing. Because of this, they are seen to be more likely to go forth a occupation and seek out more ambitious options, a higher salary, or improved benefits ( Wong, Gardiner, Lang & A ; Coulon, 2008 ) . Xers are disbelieving and unimpressed with authorization, and necessitate immediate, uninterrupted feedback. They tend to value a strong work-life balance ; caring for personal values and ends more than work-related ends ( Wong, Gardiner, Lang & A ; Coulon, 2008 ) . This coevals grew up in a clip of their parents acquiring laid away and their female parents traveling to work to back up the household. Since both parents were at work, members of this coevals were seen as â€Å" latch key † childs. Sing their parents laid away, made them set household before work, larning to ne'er set all their trust in one company. Generation Y Generation Y consists of those born between 1982 and 2000. This coevals has grown up with engineering and is used to holding engineering as a big portion of their life. Besides known as the Millennials, they are really comfy with alteration and less likely to see occupation security as an of import factor in the workplace. This coevals is merely get downing to graduate and travel into the work force, conveying a overplus of thoughts ( Gibson, Greenwood & A ; Murphy, 2009 ) . They were raised with MTV, cell phones, iPods, and computing machine games and are wholly at place with instant communicating and societal networking. This digital coevals is optimistic, realistic, globally cognizant, and inclusive by nature. They accept diverseness and different types of households ; they are civic-minded and prone to volunteerism. Like babe boomers, they truly value work/family balance and independency, but they are besides funny, oppugning and results-oriented ( Gibson, Greenwood & A ; Murphy, 2009 ) . This coevals can greatly prove the forbearance of the Baby Boomers and Generation Y. The passion for entrepreneurship, answer-seeking behaviours coupled with their sense of personal duty and demand for feedback can be diminished by their dissatisfaction with entry-level occupations and their inclination to alter occupations often. This group wants a say in how they do their work. They are collaborative and work good within the modern sceptered workplace every bit long as there are adequate challenges and chances to maintain them interested ( Gibson, Greenwood & A ; Murphy, 2009 ) . The other coevalss tend to be intimidated by this coevals. Millennials are really vocal and will state what they think and mean. Being cognizant of their juvenility, if they are non happy with their current state of affairs at work, they will easy go forth and acquire a new occupation. They are cognizant that they have a spot of clip to acquire their act together. Even being cognizant of this, gen Y are really capable and ready to organize a calling. Recommended Reading Journal Articles Psychologist Constance Patterson, Ph.D. , provides information sing her surveies sing the generational values of Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y along with how these coevalss can get down to work better together in the workplace: Dittman, Melissa. ( 2005 ) . Generational Differences at Work. The Monitor, 36 ( 6 ) , 54. Keith Mackey, an associate professor at AUT, conducted extended research associating to the differences between the coevalss in the workplace. His research findings non merely assist to â€Å" expose † common myths about the coevalss, but besides help to nail how to decently pull off each group based upon the universe events that have taken topographic point throughout their life-time: Reid, Ellen. ( 2007 ) . PEOPLE MANAGEMENT: Myth-busting Gen Y – Generational differences at work.Do n't understand your younger co-workers? Think they have different work attitudes to you? Always blamed it on the Gen Y factor? Well those yearss may be over as a major survey on workplace attitudes in New Zealand dispels the ballyhoo about the differences between coevalss X, Y and Baby Boomers. New Zealand Management. P. 63. This article focuses on a subject which many research workers have stated is of import for the success of intergenerational undertakings – mentoring. Not merely is mentoring explained in great item, along with the importance of implementing a mentoring plan, but besides a bit-by-bit program of how to get down and go on to offer a mentoring plan is provided: Anonymous. ( 2010 ) . Share Baby Boomer ‘s Knowledge with Intergenerational Mentoring. HR Focus, 87 ( 2 ) , 7 Online Periodicals & A ; Online Journal Articles Within her article, writer Dr. Lynne Curry, Ph.D. provides clear differentiation between the values held by persons that can be classified as a portion of the Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation X and Generation Y. Understanding the values of each group is the first measure in understanding how to decently take or pull off these persons: Curry, Lynne ( 2003, November ) . Pull offing the Gen X/Y Employee. Alaska Business Monthly. Retrieved on February 12, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Knowing how to interact with persons from each coevals represented within the ever-changing market topographic point is a undertaking within itself. Knowing how to make it good is something wholly different. In his article, Ian Shapiro speaks about the methods and tactics that Anne Loehr, a generational guru, explains during her seminars around the state. Loehr non merely explains the huge differences in the values of each coevals, but besides focuses a great trade on cultural markers. For illustration, the importance of the cyberspace, web logs and other technological understanding ways of communicating for Generations X and Y. This is genuinely an of import piece of work that should be read by each individual go toing preparation Sessionss associating to communicating between coevalss: Shapiro, Ian. ( 2009, July ) . Talking to Generation Nexus. Guru explains Gens X, Y, Boomer to One Another. Washington Post. Retrieved on February 12, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Other Online Documents With more than 25 old ages of leading experience in the corporate environment, Anne Houlihan is able to supply a wealth of penetration sing the transitioning of the â€Å" leading reigns † from the Baby Boomers to Generation X. Within the article, Houlihan provides concise points that help the readers to â€Å" better understand the leading manner, how to tackle it and how it impacts everyone in the company: † Houlihan, Anne. ( N.D. ) From Baby Boomers to Gen-X: An Development of Leadership Style. Retrieved on February 12, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Throughout this capturing 45-slide presentation, Richard A. Lewis provides indispensable tools in better understanding the behaviours that are frequently exhibited by Generation X and Generation Y. His presentation tactics are really appealing, and could easy capture the attending of an audience during a preparation seminar. By presenting games such as Human Bingo one can truly understand what occurred during each coevalss lifetime, and in bend better understand why they are the manner they are: Lewis, Richard A. ( 2005 ) . Organizational Behavior Meets Generation X and Y – A Practical Approach. Retrieved on February 12, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // A big part of this study has been focused on what the Baby Boomers can learn Generation X and Y, and this article helps to remind us that there is still a great trade that Generation Y can learn the Baby Boomers. In this article, Jim Taggart references a few leading writers and provides information on how to better prosecute Generation Y in the work force every bit good as how to in bend Teach older coevalss how to break interact and learn from this group younger of persons. Taggart, Jim. ( 2009 ) What Can Gen Y Teach Baby Boomers? Retrieved on February 12, 2010 from hypertext transfer protocol: // Enhancing our preparation plan Adding a generational differences constituent to the company ‘s preparation plan would be a value added constituent to the organisation. With three different coevalss being active in the work force it would be ideal for employees to cognize and understand the cultural differences between them and their colleagues. â€Å" Market competition and demographic alterations in the labour force are two of the forces disputing organisations to develop more effectual leading preparation, and execution plans. Understanding more to the full what traits or behaviours seem to be associated with how each babe boomers and Generation Xers perceives effectual leading will merely be good easing the passage as one group leaves and the other replaces it † ( Ree,2003, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, pg 2, paragraph 2 ) . This plan would be even more good to the Baby Boomer coevals because in most organisations they are the leaders of the Gen Xers and Yers. With Baby Boomer ‘s holding the most economic power with a population of 78 million versus Gen X with 50 million and Gen Y with 70 million, they need to cognize what is of import to their followings and what their followings feel â€Å" can take a back place. † For illustration, the current province of the economic system has truly taken a toll on the motive of Gen X and Gen Y. The Baby Boomers have experienced and survived difficult economic times with things such as The Great Depression so they are able to pull off and work through all the obstructions they are confronting during our current economic ruin. â€Å" Both the MetLife survey and the Business Week article make it clear that those pull offing younger employees need to happen ways to assist those employees handle the force per unit area the recession is doing in their perso nal and working life † ( Mack, 2009, paragraph 5 ) . Each coevals needs to cognize the strengths and failings of each other to work efficaciously as a squad. Baby Boomers are approaching the age of retirement and the Xers are taking on their functions as leaders. Baby Boomers need to prepare the Xers into being great leaders, while the Xers need to be developing the Yers to take their topographic point in the work force. Each coevals has their ain alone manner and characteristic which distinguishes them from one another, but collaboratively they can do a great squad. With accomplishments runing from being able to take and accommodate in any state of affairs to being tech understanding, all are valuable to the success of an organisation. Leaderships must understand that their younger workers are an of import facet of their squad. Additionally, Baby Boomers must cognize that the ulterior coevalss do non hold the same work moralss as them, so they can non be managed the same manner. â€Å" Thirty-two per centum Gen Xers believe the â€Å" younger coevals † lacks a good work ethic and that this is a job ; and 13 per centum of Gen Yers say the difference in the work moralss across the coevalss causes clash † ( Gelsten, 2009, paragraph 6 ) . Baby Boomers need to cognize what involvements the younger coevalss ; such things as the music they listen to and what type of people they look up to. Generation X and Y want a professional and personal relationship with their leaders. Those leaders who connect with their followings on a personal degree and acquire to cognize what makes them thrive and what de-motivates them will be able to acquire more out of their employees and in return have more productiveness. Decision This paper has reviewed the differences between the coevals ‘s thoughts, values, and the work force environment. This paper gives thoughts on how the babe boomer coevals can efficaciously take all the coevalss to work together efficaciously. The reappraisal of books and articles provide suggestions on taking all coevalss to work efficaciously while esteeming each values and work moralss. In order for this work force of Baby Boomers to take Generations X and Y the recommendations are as follows: Baby Boomers must hold a clear and concise apprehension of Generation X and Y. Baby Boomers need to esteem and pass on with Generation X and Y. All coevalss need to cognize the strengths and failings of each other. Have a direction manner that will accommodate to all coevalss. Baby Boomers need to be unfastened to reexamine articles and books to help in taking Generation X and Y. Include constituents in a preparation manual that will turn to Generation X and Y that will turn to their values. Baby Boomers need to understand that all coevalss need to hold picks. Finally, a better apprehension of all coevalss will take to shut relationships in the work force and make better communicating between all coevalss and less discontent for all involved. The stairss listed supra should be a utile usher for the Baby Boomers to take Generation X and Y efficaciously. Generations X and Y will cognize they are on the same squad and their thoughts are lending to a productive work force.