Friday, November 29, 2019

Internal Trade Essay Example

Internal Trade Essay :: Internal Trade:: Meaning Trade : Trade refers to the process of buying and selling of goods and services with the objective of earning profit. Internal Trade : Buying and selling of goods and services within the geographical boundaries of a country is called internal trade. In other words trade takes place between the people of the same country then it is termed as internal trade. Features of Internal Trade 1. Buying and selling of goods and services takes place within a country 2. Payments are made and received in the home currency only. 3. There is no or less legal formalities are required. 4. Local modes of transport can be used for transfer of goods. 5. No custom duty or import duty is levied on such trade. Internal trade can be classified into two broad categories. 1. Wholesale trade 2. Retail trade 1. Wholesale TradeBuying and selling of goods and services in large quantities for the purpose of resale or intermediate use is referred to as wholesale trade. Wholesalers acts as an important link between manufacturers and retailers. They purchase in bulk and sell in small lots to retailers.Features of Wholesalers 1. Wholesaler acts as a link between manufacturers and retailer. 2. Wholesaler deals with large quantities of goods. 3. Wholesaler is specialized in few or one line of product. 4. Wholesaler purchases goods in bulk quantities and sells in small quantities to retailers. 5. Wholesaler usually maintains large stock of goods for steady supply. 6. Wholesalers also sometime perform promotional activities to push sells. 7. Profit margin of wholesalers is generally low. 8. They also extend credit facility to retailers. Services of Wholesaler to Manufacturers 1. Economy of Scales: Wholesalers enable manufacturers to undertake large scale production as they purchase goods in large quantities from them. 2. Risk Sharing: Wholesaler deals in goods We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Trade specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Trade specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Trade specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

SAT Test Dates Full Guide to Choosing (2019-2020)

SAT Test Dates Full Guide to Choosing (2019-2020) SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT is offered seven times a year, but which SAT test dates will work best for you and your schedule? What essential factors should you consider before creating an SAT schedule? What are the best SAT dates for juniors? For seniors? In this comprehensive guide, we offer you the most current info on SAT test dates (domestic and international) for 2019 and 2020. We also give you our top tips for choosing the best SAT test dates for you as well as tons of resources to help you navigate the complicated web of SAT/ACT test dates. SAT Dates and Deadlines: 2019-2020 In general, the College Board administers the SAT on Saturdays, with more tests offered in the fall. If you can't take the test on a Saturday for religious or other reasons, Sunday alternate dates are usually available. Below, we give you SAT test dates, normal registration deadlines, late registration deadlines, and score release dates for 2019/2020. All the test dates have been officially confirmed by the College Board, although some of the score release dates haven't. I’ve listed international test dates in separate tables since the SAT is administered on fewer dates outside the US. Note that in the US (and abroad, as of 2018), SAT Subject Tests are available on all SAT dates except March. SAT Test Dates 2019-2020 (US) As of 2018, there's no longer a January test date. This date has been replaced by an earlier August test date, which is only available in the US. Test Date Normal Deadline Late Registration* Online Score Release August 24, 2019 July 26, 2019 August 14, 2019 September 6, 2019 October 5, 2019 September 6, 2019 September 25, 2019 October 18, 2019 November 2, 2019 October 4, 2019 October 23, 2019 November 15, 2019 December 7, 2019 November 8, 2019 November 26, 2019 December 20, 2019 March 14, 2020** February 14, 2020 February 25, 2020 March 27, 2020 May 2, 2020 April 3, 2020 April 21, 2020 May 15, 2020 June 6, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 19, 2020 June 19, 2020 *The late registration deadline is about one week earlier if you are registering by mail **Regular SAT only SAT Test Dates 2019 and 2020 (International) Unlike the US SAT test dates above, the international November and June test dates offer only SAT Subject Tests. Test Date Registration Deadline Online Score Release October 5, 2019 September 6, 2019 October 18, 2019 November 2, 2019** October 4, 2019 November 15, 2019 December 7, 2019 November 8, 2019 December 20, 2019 March 14, 2020* February 13, 2020 March 27, 2020 May 2, 2020 April 3, 2020 May 15, 2020 June 6, 2020** May 8, 2020 June 19, 2020 *Regular SAT only **SAT Subject Tests only SAT Test Dates: 2019-20 Visual Calendar and Trends When it comes to choosing SAT dates, you don't want to simply register for the next available date. To help you select the best SAT test dates for you personally, we've created an easy-to-use visual calendar for the 2019-20 SAT test dates. This infographic allows us to look at trends in SAT dates and see whether certain dates and deadlines overlap with others. (C) 2019 PrepScholar Inc, Use with Link to Allowed As you can see on this visual calendar, SAT test dates are tightly clustered in the late summer and fall. This is due to the fact that most college application deadlines are in the late fall and early winter. Essentially, the College Board is giving seniors multiple shots at hitting their SAT goal scores right before their applications are due. In the spring, SAT dates are more spread out, with the exception of May and June. This is, again, due to the fact that there are fewer college application deadlines in spring than there are in fall and early winter. These dates are also geared more toward juniors and other students who'd like to take the SAT early. Next, we can see that because of the high number of test dates in the fall, it's difficult to take two SATs in a row. By the time your score for one test comes out, the late registration date for the next test will have often already passed! Even if you were to go ahead and register for another test without knowing your scores, you might end up ultimately wasting money on a retake if your scores are higher than you thought they'd be. Likewise, if you don't sign up for the following test, you might miss your only shot at raising your scores before your application deadlines. Taking back-to-back SATs also doesn't give you enough time to make the most out of your retake; you'll likely see little, if any, improvement in your scores due to the lack of adequate prep time in-between tests. Choosing the Best SAT Test Date for You: 5 Essential Factors It’s critical you choose an SAT test date that’ll work well for not just anyone but you specifically. Below are five major factors you'll want to consider before committing to a test date. #1: When Are Your College Application Deadlines? By far the most important factors are your college application deadlines. In the US, most deadlines fall around January 1 (for regular decision) and November 1 or 15 (for early action/early decision). The College Board sends SAT scores to schools (for your four free score reports) beginning one day before online score release, or approximately three to five weeks after the exam. However, not all schools process scores straight away; in fact, some might take a week or so to report scores. As a result, you might have to wait at most around six weeks after your test date for your schools to officially process your SAT scores. And this doesn't even include the extra time needed to process orders for additional score reports (if you have more than four schools you want to send scores to). Ordering these reports will add at least another week or two once scores are released. Therefore, as a rule, don't take the SAT less than five or six weeks before your college apps are due. If you'll be ordering additional score reports after your scores come out, stick with test dates more than seven or eight weeks before your deadlines. Remember that if your schools don't receive or process your SAT scores in time, your application could get disqualified! So plan accordingly. #2: Are You Applying for SAT Scholarships? Another factor is SAT scholarships. Generally, school-based SAT scholarships will use the same deadlines as college applications. If you're not sure when your SAT scores are due, contact your schools directly to ask whether your scores should arrive earlier than or with your application. #3: How Many Times Will You Take the SAT? You should also consider whether you might want to retake the SAT if you're not getting the scores you need for college. We typically recommend taking the SAT at least twice, possibly three times, depending on your score goals. Here's our suggested SAT schedule: Take the SAT in the fall of your junior year Take the SAT a second time in the spring of your junior year Take the SAT a final time in the late summer/early fall of your senior year If you took your first SAT in the spring of your junior year instead of in the fall, you still have plenty of opportunities to take the SAT once or twice more. You could, for example, take the SAT a second time in June or August and a third time in October or November. That said, avoid registering for back-to-back SAT test dates, especially in the fall of your senior year. Squeezing in too many SATs gives you barely any time to study and probably won't raise your score by any noticeable margin. Furthermore, trying to balance so much prep during the school year- and as you’re applying to college, no less!- is an incredibly stressful endeavor. So spread out your tests as best you can. #4: How Much Study Time Will You Need? Before you register for the SAT, decide how much time you'll need to dedicate to studying. We normally recommend setting aside three to six months for SAT prep. This amount of time allows you to space out your study sessions so that you're studying consistently without burning yourself out. More importantly, though, you'll want a sufficient number of study hours. The number of hours you'll have to spend studying depends on the number of points you’d like to improve your baseline SAT score by. (A baseline score is the score you get on an official SAT practice test before you begin any SAT prep.) Below are the (approximate) number of study hours required to make the following total point improvements on the SAT: 0-30 point improvement: 10 hours 30-70 point improvement: 20 hours 70-130 point improvement: 40 hours 130-200 point improvement: 80 hours 200-330 point improvement: 150 hours+ As you can see, the bigger the point increase you want, the more hours you’ll have to study. Unfortunately, not everyone has a ton of time to devote entirely to SAT prep. At a minimum, try to clock in at least 10 hours of prep. If you only have a month or so before test day, you can still make large score increases- so long as you’re willing to put in the effort. You can also use our last-minute SAT tips and strategies to help you get the score you want. #5: Will You Have Any Obligations or Conflicts? Finally, consider your own obligations. Is there anything you can't reschedule that'll be taking place on a certain test date? Do you have any ongoing commitments (school or otherwise) that could prevent you from being able to focus on your SAT prep? Obligations can be anything, from school plays and AP tests to sports tournaments and family vacations. Before you choose a test date, make sure that you're keenly aware of your schedule. I suggest using a planner to take note of any big chunks of time during which you'll be too busy to study for the SAT. Ultimately, if a certain test date feels overwhelming, choose another one for which you'll have far fewer obligations in the period leading up to it. Quick Guide: What’s the Best SAT Test Date for Juniors? For Seniors? For Early Action? In reality, the "best" SAT test date varies for each student; however, sometimes you just want to know what a good test date is, generally speaking. Here, we give you a brief look at the best SAT test dates for four common scenarios. Scenario 1: You’re a Junior Best Dates For 1st SAT: October, November, December For 2nd SAT: March, May, June You should always take your first SAT as a junior, ideally in the fall. The October and November test dates offer lots of flexibility and plenty of time to study and prepare for round two should you want to take the SAT again. In the spring, try to take the SAT in March or May- latest June. These dates ensure you'll have the entire summer to evaluate your scores, finalize your list of colleges, and decide whether you’d like to take the test again in August or autumn. Scenario 2: You’re a Senior Best Dates: August, October, NovemberRiskier Dates: December As a senior, you have up to four possible SAT test dates (for regular decision deadlines): August, October, November, and December. As with all college prep, the earlier the better! Try to take the SAT in August, October, or November. These three test dates should have little trouble getting your scores to colleges in time, assuming your earliest deadline is somewhere around January 1. Although you can opt for the December test date, too, I would only do so if your deadlines are January 10 or later. December scores aren't usually released until late December, so January 1 might be playing it a little too close for some colleges. Check with your schools directly to verify whether they'll accept SAT scores from the December test date before you register for it. If your regular decision deadline happens to be especially early, like the University of California's November 30 deadline, opt for the August or October test dates instead. Scenario 3: You’re Applying Early Action/Early Decision Best Dates: June, AugustRiskier Dates: October Most early action deadlines are November 1 or 15. A June or August test date (before your senior year) is an excellent choice since scores from either test date should definitely get to your schools in time. These dates also give you the fall to focus entirely on your college applications instead of on SAT prep. The October deadline is a bit riskier, though, as its scores aren’t normally released until the end of October. So if your deadline is November 1, October probably won't work. If your deadlines are November 15 or later, however, October should be fine. Scenario 4: Your College Applications Aren’t Due Until February or Later Many schools have later-than-normal deadlines in February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and even September. So which SAT test dates will work for these late decision schools? Below are the latest SAT test dates you can choose depending on your college application deadline. The latest recommended dates are pretty much guaranteed to get your SAT scores to schools in time, whereas the riskier dates might not get your scores in before the deadlines. College App Deadline Latest Recommended SAT Test Date Riskier SAT Test Date February December - March December - April December March May March - June March May July May June August June - September June August Warning: SAT Test Dates May ChangeSign up to Receive Free Updates // Additional Resources for Info on SAT Test Dates Need extra assistance with choosing SAT test dates? Our top resources below will help you pinpoint the best SAT dates for you: When Should You Take the SAT or ACT? Best Test Dates: Our popular guide to SAT/ACT test dates zeroes in on the four most important factors you'll need to consider when selecting a test date. You can also check out our more general guide to the other major factors that come into play when choosing a test date. SAT/ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Sophomores and Juniors: Seeking advice on when to take the SAT or ACT your sophomore or junior year? This guide walks you through a typical SAT/ACT test-taking schedule and offers targeted tips for honing your weaknesses. 5 Step SAT/ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Summer Before Senior Year: This step-by-step guide explains how to structure a personalized SAT/ACT study plan before your senior year. The Best SAT and ACT Test Dates for Senior Fall: Looking for a guide geared specifically toward seniors? Here, we lay out the SAT/ACT test dates in autumn and provide you with tips on how to choose the best date for you. Can I Get an Alternate SAT Test Date?: If there's a conflict with your current SAT test date, you might be able to schedule an alternate test date for the following week. Read our guide to learn everything you can do to ensure your request is successful. SAT and ACT Test Date Lists: For more general SAT/ACT test date info, check out our year-by-year guides: SAT Test Dates 2019 SAT Subject Test Dates 2019 ACT Test Dates Full Guide to Choosing (2019, 2020) The Final Word: What to Know About SAT Test Dates Although exact SAT test dates change each testing year, the exam will always be administered a total of seven times across the following months (in the US): August (This test date has replaced the January one) October November December March May June For the most part, international test dates are similar to US ones. Here are the only major differences: There is no August test date outside the US As of 2018, the international November and June test dates will only offer SAT Subject Tests- no regular SAT To choose a test date that’s right for you, consider the following four factors: When your college application and scholarship deadlines are How many times you want to take the SAT How much time you're willing to study Whether you'll have any obligations that might prevent you from taking the SAT on a certain date Hopefully, after reading this guide, you now have a clearer and more confident sense as to which SAT test dates will work for you! What's Next? Planning ahead for 2021 or 2022? Then take a look at our handy (and updated!) compilation of future SAT test dates. You've chosen an SAT test date- your next step now is to get online and register for the SAT. Our detailed guide offers easy-to-follow instructions to help walk you smoothly through the registration process. Ready to get a great SAT score? Consider the many different ways you can prep for the exam by reading our free eBook. And if you're hoping for a perfect score, check out our in-depth guide to getting a 1600 on the SAT, written by an expert full scorer! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Friday, November 22, 2019

Alternative management accounting (AMAR)

Alternative management accounting (AMAR) In this paper, the emergence of alternative management accounting (AMAR) will be discussed followed by the contributions it has brought to the field of knowledge. After which, reasons why alternative management accounting research s tools and techniques has not successfully displaced the use of traditional accounting research s and techniques in organizations will be discussed. The importance of addressing this issue is to justify if this alternative direction is right within management accounting academia, and whether it should be continued. The emergence of alternative management accounting research occurred in the late 1980s partly due to the shortfalls of the traditional management accounting approaches. Traditional management accounting research (TMAR) is objectivist-orientated, with a focus upon unifying characteristics. These assumptions have limitations and hence are unable to provide broader insights into the nature of management accounting. TMAR makes no distinctions between the perspective of the organization and its managers (Puxty, 1993). In general, this approach encouraged a financial accounting mentality and also encouraged a focus on external financial reporting requirements (Johnson Kaplan, 1987). It was widely believed that all management accounting research existed to inform rational decisions to achieve organizational goals which essentially refers to achieving shareholder wealth maximisation. TMAR also has an implied assumption that the manager is isolated from other decision makers when making decisions (Scapens, 1991). Group decision makings were either ignored or considered to be non-existent in TMAR. Traditional approaches are problem motivated and are aimed towards bettering and refining tools and techniques to inform rational decisions in order to achieve given organizational goals (Covaleski, Dirsmith Samuel, 1996). As a result, it provides narrow insights as focus was not brought into the broad er social, political and economic settings (Macintosh, 1985). Traditional management accounting thoughts was greatly influence by neoclassical economic analysis (Scapens, 1994). According to Otley (1984), though management accounting centres on the provision of information, the core theoretical approach derives from economics in which the rational model dominates. The utilization of power, group considerations, choices and purposes are disregarded or excluded from neoclassical analysis. Such factors are assumed to minimally impact individuals (Spechler, 1990).Individuals live and interact within society, but are not altered or affected by these social interactions (Ulman, 1998). Neoclassical economics has no intention to explain behaviours if managers within the organization (Scapens, 1994) and hence cannot adequately study social phenomena since it does not consider the political, social and organizational factors that affect individuals. Ryan and Scapens (2002) state that management accounting research based upon positivist theories; may be useful for predicting general trends, but they will not be helpful in explaining individual behaviour; nor are they likely to be useful as guides to individual managers or firms about their own economic behaviour . Traditional management accounting researches offers a narrow insight to the world, which limits individuals abilities to create and analyze interesting propositions and develop meaningful stories about MA in its social, organizational and behavioural contexts (Hopper, Storey Willmott, 1987). Rational designs also limit one s abilities to develop critical positions and impends the ability of MA research community to carry out significant scientific conversation and achieve progress. The limitedness recognised in the rational designs approach of traditional management accounting has ignited the interest of a core group of alternative management accounting researchers from Europe who had strong sense and beliefs that management accounting was much more beyond the very simplistic positivist technical view. They believed that there was a lot of new and important insights that AMAR could bring to the field of knowledge and began to emphasise the need to study management accounting in the contemporary world from a broader political, cultural and social perspective (Baxter Chua, 2003). Critique of Means-Ends reasoning Traditional MA tools and techniques are developed from rational design theories (Hewege, 2012) but it was never questioned if the tools and techniques are practical or useful for the organization. They might be unintended and unrelated to achieving unclear organizational goals. Even when organizational goals are not achieved, managers choose to learn from the failures and improve on the tools and techniques used. Therefore AMAR promotes rethinking and restructuring traditional practices. The organization should question if better finances automatically denote benefits for the company and consider if the reputation or social responsibilities might have greater impacts on a companies long-term growth. Critique of the real Information can be easily manipulated which means that information presented might not portray an objective view. Hence, the importance of MA tools and techniques are subject to the reader s interpretation due to differing reactions that people have towards the information they have. Every organization is different which means tried-and-tested concepts is not adequate to capture the performance of the whole organization. It is crucial for managers to accept the fact that there is no one ideal solution. Mouritsen s study (1999) suggests that due to the current technological advancements, non-human actant can be relied on to aid in the interpretation of information. Management accountants can have more time to focus on other important things such as improving the performance of the company from social, or cultural aspects. Critique of accounting s impotence The apolitical imagery of TMAR is challenged by AMAR. AMAR enables us to understand the ability of management accounting practices to achieve or bring about a certain result. Baxter and Chua draws an example of this from the politicised budgetary process of a Swedish local government (Jonsson, 1982). Although technologies such as budgeting systems were thought to be useful in influencing important decisions, it might in fact be detrimental for the organization if they are invented for use by the personally motivated. They may mobilise political power to set policies and rules and as a result, influence management accounting practices which might not contribute to achieving organizational goals. AMAR states that it is these technologies that contribute to the overt clashes of interests in organizations and society, and the oppression of others (Chua, 1995). Critique of accounting change The rational designs approach provides sparse empirical evidence that an enlightened, well-engineered and progressive path characterises the development of management accounting technologies (Baxter Chua, 2003). Some researchers demonstrated the roadblocks that particular organizations faced in attaining a fit between management accounting control systems and appropriately modifying environments contexts when using the rational design approach (Ezzamel Bourn, 1990). AMAR has increased understanding of accounting change by conveying distinct insights. For example, attributing changing of sociocultural, political and economic conditions to a plethora of changes within MAP in the 20th Century including the emergence of value-added accounting (Burchell, Clubb Hopwood, 1985). AMAR recognises that accounting changes are not predictable, not controllable, exclusively technical or well-behaved. Memorably, many of these perspective would not be covered in the mainstream approach. Critique of bodiless forms of MA practice. Baxter Chua (2003), discussed the ways in which management accounting is both inhibited and assisted by the inherent attitudes of its proponents. This alternative research highlighted the importance of interactions between the management and the organizational participants. Management accounting is not just about the techniques that inform, maximise, and optimise decisions- it also focuses on the people who uses them, and who continually interact to understand their needs and habits. For example, emphasising the need to motivate companies employees. This is supported by Preston s (1986) research, which set an anchor between an organization s processes and an individuals involvement within them. So what practical contributions has AMAR made? Alternative management accounting researchers have been challenged to face important contemporary topics which includes but not limited to globalisation, hybridity and the network society (Baxter Chua, 2003). Globalisation brings about high exposure of information, increasing trade and competition. And in these contexts, it is not enough for companies to remain competitive just by using financial measure. As testified to by Kaplan and Norton, who stated that financial measures tell stories of historical events, which are appropriate for industrial age companies whereby customer relationships and long term investment capabilities were not critical for success. However, these financial measures are inadequate for guiding and evaluating the journey that information age companies must make to create future value through investment in customers, suppliers, employees, processes, technology, and innovation.† Globalisation causes the global dissemination of technology, popular culture, workers, financial capital, knowledge, and goods and services. Though globalisation uproots MA practices from their context and diffuses it to other remote locations, knowledge of how technologies travel and the issues that result from it are very limited (Vaivio, 2008). AMAR sees management accounting as a set of practices implicated within complex processes of societal and organizational interpenetration which requires implementation of expert systems that interconnects time and spaces. AMAR has helped developed tools and techniques like Economic Value Added (EVA) and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to help companies gain competitive advantage in this environment. The balanced scorecard is a tactical planning and management system that is used in business and industry, government, and non-profit organizations worldwide. The purpose of the BSC is to improve internal and external communications, align business activities to the stratagem and vision of the organization, and monitor organization performance against planned goals. It is a performance measurement framework that considers both strategic non-financial performance measures and financial metrics to give managers a more holistic view of the performance of the organization (Kaplan Norton, 1996). Hybridity suggests the examination of the functioning of management accounting in conditions with both traditional and new elements such as the local and the global, private and public. For example, the university in which Baxter and Chua worked in an educational institution that was widely viewed to be a public institution. However, reducing government funds and increasing fee paying students dominated the budget of the faculty. Hence the university is in a way, no longer considered to be a public institution but is not a private one either. This creates contradictions, but accounting inscriptions are central to the ongoing function of this hybridity by conveying economic differences between public and private entities and traversing this differences to enable the university to function. AMAR contribute insights to the hybrid roles of management accountants. Instead of their traditional score keeping controller role, their new accounting role is focused on consulting and helping the organizational participants implement and adapt to the new accounting change. This is supported in Pharmaceutical, which is a UK Based manufacturing branch of an international pharmaceutical product producer, where hybrid accountants assist day managers with day to day decisions as well as advising performance measurement product stream leaders on strategic issues (Hopper, Northcott Scapens, 2007). A change in the image of accountants was observed by looking at how they were portrayed in software advertisements. It was seen that the image of accountants has changed from being dependable and logical to a more self-indulgent person from the 1970s to the 1990s (Baldvinsdottir, Burns, Noreklit Scapens, 2009).This reflects changes in wider social practice from a modern way of thinking to a h yper modern way of thinking. Finally, it has been suggested by Baxter and Chua (2003) that we are living in the network society. This basically meant a digitized, technologically advanced surveillance society, where management accounting can cause any type of action to become visible. Through qualitative analysis, we can ask whether management accounting is taken on-board in the creation of a super panopticon, an open space where personal privacy is exposed (Baxter and Chua, 2003). Latourian researchers are known to be the most suitable out of the other approaches to take on such modern-day alternative research, in view of the close attention this point of view lends to the interaction between networks of individuals and non-human objects, such as computers (Baxter Chua, 2003). AMAR has brought insights to show how management accountants have been influenced by external factors. It was identified in a study that social advertisement has encouraged management accountants to hand over control to systems which are able to do everything while the accountants themselves should follow instructions (Baldvinsdottir, Burns, NÃÆ' ¸rreklit Scapens, 2010). AMAR has also contributed to the growth of new management accounting techniques including technology road mapping to help organization fit in the new technological advanced environment. Technology roadmapping is a flexible technique prevalent within industries to balance long-term strategic issues alongside short-term financial performance. The approach provides an organized way to explore and communicate relationships between evolving and developing markets, products and technologies over time. It is suggested that the roadmapping technique can boost companies chances in stormy environments by providing them a focus during environment scans, and a means of tracking the performance of individual, including potentially counterproductive, technologies (Phaal, Farrukh Probert, 2004). Whilst Miller and O Leary recorded widespread use of technology roadmaps in their case study of Intel corporation, its use in capital decision making practice is still in its infancy. Also, despite its recognised potential for supporting strategic investment decision-making, this strategic analysis tool has yet to make its way into mainstream capital investment academic materials. (Hopper, Northcott Scapens, 2007) Despite the advances of knowledge through AMAR over the last 30 years, AMAR has not completely displaced the traditional approaches. Organizations outside Europe still uses the traditional approaches to determine the performance of the company. This is because changes are often time-consuming and expensive, considerably impacting an organization s overall success. Another reason on why organizations refuse to change is due to a form of mimetic isomorphism (Baxter Chua, 2003). This is with a mind-set that since other organizations are still going on well using the traditional, rational approaches, so must we. Also, according to the theory of structural inertia, organizations are hesitant towards change because they are reluctant to take unnecessary risk. They prefer replicable behaviours as constancy is rewarded. Change not only disrupts current business but also can lead to disaster. As a result, organizations continue with past procedures, even when it seems irrational to do so (Hansen, 2012). Though TMAR have their own limitations, they should not be replaced by AMAR. A blend of usage of tools and techniques developed from the two areas of research should be considered by organizations. For example, using TMAR techniques to influence financial measures and using AMAR techniques to focus on non-financial measures which help organizations grow substantially and maintain sustainability in both short-term and long-term aspects. In conclusion, AMAR emerged mainly due to limitations identified in the traditional rational approach and increased interests. AMAR has contributed significantly in helping organizations operate and gain competitive advantage in the contemporary environment. The direction to explore into AMAR is right because in doing so, regression will not occur within the MA academia (Lukka Mouritsen, 2002). However it is important for AMAR to not lose sight of its public responsibility, and for it to persist in providing insights that protect individuals against impersonal, entrenched forces that are not in their interests. Qualitative research needs to investigate the social, societal and political facets of management accounting, and remind us of the larger picture containing the beliefs and motivations that lie beneath the surface of modern practice.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HIST 2112 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HIST 2112 - Essay Example While industry had been around for quite a while before the turn of the century, this was the first time it became nearly impossible to survive in a purely rural environment. At first, many skilled workers joined unions in an attempt to save their jobs from unskilled machine workers who could do the exact same work in a factory as them for cheaper and more quickly. This did not last long, however, as more cooperation was needed for success. Often times, the actions of these unions would lead to violence, which means more problems would be caused by their protests than would be solved by them. The Coal Strikes between 1900 and 1902 became somewhat of a national crisis, as coal was a necessary commodity. The workers did gain higher wages and less hours with these strikes, although the government refused to admit that the union had anything to do with this. As time moved on, workers attempted to create a union for all to be a part of, which would end the wage system and would give the w orkers the power. These attempts were suppressed by the capitalists, however, as they knew that paying too much in wages would put a damper on the significant profits they were making during this time period. The entrepreneurs got the government involved in these disputes in order to protect their interests. The government knew that it was in its best interests to keep the capitalist entrepreneurs happy, so it did whatever it could to prevent the workers from winning these disputes. These unions were, however, important because they allowed for wages to rise and hours worked to fall for skilled workers in the United States. The lives of African Americans between 1877 and 1928 were transitional, as African Americans began to search for a niche in American society. In 1877, North troops left the South, which meant that former African American slaves in the South could no longer rely on them for political protection. Many issues

Monday, November 18, 2019

Health Care Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Care Marketing - Research Paper Example The researcher states that the idea to provide healthcare insurance was prudent, which was sponsored by employers. The insurance scheme became unaffordable for the elderly who did not have a source of income, the scheme left millions of Americans uncovered. The government has stepped in the healthcare industry and provides medical coverage for all Americans. Recently President Obama signed into law the healthcare bill famously known as Obamacare. The bill revised the way physicians were to be paid. As stated in the law doctors will be paid based on the quality of service offered to the patients rather than the number of times the patient was checked by the doctor. The idea to offer medical cover is indisputable a brilliant one and credit has to be given to those who initiated it. Medical industry cannot operate alone it has to depend on other factors that will enhance its service level. Technology has been integrated with the medical field and hospitals need to be abreast with the de velopment in the technological field. The use of bio-medical equipment such as X-ray machine, CT scan et cetera is common in hospitals. Engineers are busy in workshops trying to come up with devices that are better than those being used. Due to change in lifestyle Americans, massage equipment is  being designed to meet the growing demand for the service. Hospitals have installed this equipment to help their patients in the recovery process. There are mobile applications that help patients track their health status. These apps can perform several functions such as detecting blood pressure. Research on medicines is a continuous process in the medical field; the main objective is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the present drugs. Patients need their information to be secret (privacy), which is their right.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Emily Dickinson Essay Example for Free

Emily Dickinson Essay Emily Dickinson’s great skill and unparalleled creativity in playing with words and their connotations in her attempt to convey to the reader the power of a book are evident. In this poem, she is considering the power of books or of poetry to carry us away from our immediate surroundings to a world of imagination. Her poem is suffused with (full of) metaphors, as she is desirous of likening a book to various means of transportation. To do this she alludes (allusion-noun) directly to concrete objects such as â€Å"frigate,† â€Å"coursers† and â€Å"chariot,† which carry archaic (ancient) connotations. The difficulty inherent in the use of these vehicles has to do with the reader’s knowledge concerning the properties and characteristics evinced by a â€Å"frigate,† â€Å"coursers† and a â€Å"chariot. † The poetess associates the swiftness of a â€Å"frigate,† â€Å"coursers† and a â€Å"chariot†Ã¢â‚¬â€as well as their use to explore new lands and seas—with the power of a book or poetry to usher (lead, guide) us into another dimension, perhaps shrouded (covered) in mystery but definitely rewarding. If the reader is not acquainted (familiar) with these means of transportation that reigned supreme, so to speak, centuries ago, he / she is denied access to the meaning that the poet seeks to impart by means of these vehicles. But Emily Dickinson does not limit herself to these vehicles alone; the whole poem is reminiscent (suggestive) of a past era when people used â€Å"frigate[s],† â€Å"coursers† and â€Å"chariot[s]† to travel â€Å"lands away. The words â€Å"traverse,† (to cross an area of land or water) â€Å"oppress,† (stress) and â€Å"frugal,† (simple and inexpensive) with which the poem is interspersed—all of them are of Latin origin, thus lending it a formal hue. She has been careful to choose kinds of transportation and names for books that have romantic connotations. â€Å"Frigate† suggest exploration and adventure; â€Å"coursers† beauty, spirit and speed; â€Å"chariot,† speed and ability to go th rough air as well as on land. Chariot reminds us of the myth of Phaethon, who tried to drive the chariot of Apollo (Greek god of sun), and of Aurora (Greek goddess of dawn) with her horses. How much of the meaning of the poem comes from this selection of vehicles and words is apparent if we try to substitute steamship for â€Å"frigate,† horses for â€Å"coursers,† and streetcar for â€Å"chariot. † How would the poem sound if, instead of likening a book to a â€Å"frigate,† â€Å"coursers,† and a â€Å"chariot,† one resolved to use a â€Å"Mercedes Benz,† a â€Å"GMC† or a â€Å"Porsche† to convey the same meaning, that of speed and swiftness? Emily Dickinson’s shrewdness in selecting the most appropriate diction is superb and undoubtedly holds up a mirror for the reader to see what it is that she had in mind when writing the poem. On a more technical note, related to the rhyme scheme, it is obvious that the poem is written in open form or in free verse (from the French vers libre), as indicated by the lack of a regular rhyme pattern, as a parallel to â€Å"prancing poetry† or the power of a book to carry you to foreign â€Å"lands† where no man has ever trod before. Liberated from the confines and shackles of rhyme, Emily Dickinson’s â€Å"There is no frigate like a book† makes a permanent impression on the reader, as it â€Å"entangles a part of the Divine essence,† to quote W. B. Yeats. Allusions in There is no Frigate like a Book 1. The story of Phaeton In Greek mythology, Phaeton or Phaethon was the son of Helios (Phoebus). Perhaps the most famous version of the myth is given us through Ovid in his Metamorphoses (Book II). The name Phaeton means the shining. In the version of the myth told by Ovid in the Metamorphoses, Phaeton ascends into heaven, the home of his suspected father. His mother Clymene had boasted that his father was the sun-god Apollo. Phaeton went to his father who swore by the river Styx to give Phaeton anything he should ask for in order to prove his divine paternity. Phaeton wanted to drive his chariot (the sun) for a day. Though Apollo tried to talk him out of it by telling him that not even Zeus (the king of gods) would dare to drive it, the chariot was fiery hot and the horses breathed out flames. Phaeton was adamant. When the day came, Apollo anointed Phaetons head with magic oil to keep the chariot from burning him. Phaeton was unable to control the fierce horses that drew the chariot as they sensed a weaker hand. First it veered too high, so that the earth grew chill. Then it dipped too close, and the vegetation dried and burned. He accidentally turned most of Africa into desert; bringing the blood of the Ethiopians to the surface of their skin, turning it black. The running conflagration spreads below. But these are trivial ills: whole cities burn, And peopled kingdoms into ashes turn. [3] Rivers and lakes began to dry up, Poseidon rose out of the sea and waved his trident in anger at the sun, but soon the heat became even too great for him and he dove to the bottom of the sea. Eventually, Zeus was forced to intervene by striking the runaway chariot with a lightning bolt to stop it, and Phaethon plunged into the river Eridanos. Apollo, stricken with grief, refused to drive his chariot for days . Finally the gods persuaded him to not leave the world in darkness. Apollo blamed Zeus for killing his son, but Zeus told him there was no other way. This story has given rise to two latter-day meanings of phaeton: one who drives a chariot or coach, especially at a reckless or dangerous speed, and one that would or may set the world on fire 2. (Aurora, goddess of the dawn, equivalent to the Greek goddess Eos ) In Roman mythology, Aurora, goddess of the dawn, renews herself every morning and flies across the sky in her chariot, announcing the arrival of the sun. Her parentage was flexible: for Ovid, she could equally be Pallantis, signifying the daughter of Pallas,[1] or the daughter of Hyperion. 2] She has two siblings, a brother (Sol, the sun) and a sister (Luna, the moon).. In Roman mythology, Aurora, goddess of the dawn, renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun. Her parentage was flexible: for Ovid, she could equally be Pallantis, signifying the daughter of Pallas,[1] or the daughter of Hyperion. [2] She has two siblings, a brother (Sol, the sun) and a sister (Luna, the moon). Rar ely Roman writers[3] imitated Hesiod and later Greek poets and made the Anemoi, or Winds, the offspring of the father of the stars Astraeus, with Eos/Aurora.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Night Nurse :: essays research papers

An Unforgettable Night After reading Joyce Carol Oates story, â€Å" The Night Nurse,† revenge is what is found. This story starts off by a woman by the name of Grace Burkhardt, collapsing at a shopping mall because of a reason that was unknown at the time. She is taken in an ambulance to a hospital where she undergoes an emergency surgery for a blood clot that is in her leg that could have traveled to her heart. Grace’s stay in the hospital that night was not how she expected. The worst pain a person can indure, is the one who is left out.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the beginning of the story Grace explains herself as being laid back. â€Å"I am behaving well, look how calm and civilized† (654). Grace never screamed out at the shopping mall. She tried to act as calm as possible. Even though Grace was in so much pain, she never sobbed to God or never did she ask, â€Å"Am I dying? Will I die† (654)? Shortly after the doctors took care of Grace, she went into surgery. After this is wh en her attitude begins to change.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After surgery Grace just lied in bed in so much pain. She cried out â€Å"help me†¦. I’m so cold, I’m so frightened† (654)! This is when the reader notices the shift in Graces attitude. Her attitude shifts into a tone that can practically be heard by the reader. As many times as Grace cried out for help the reader could tell she was desperate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once the day was over, Grace was about to go through a night that she would never forget. She began to beg God, unlike in the beginning of the story, â€Å"Help me through the night† (655). The pain from Grace’s surgery was so severe, that she called for a nurse repeatedly. Finally a nurse came in to give her a bedpan so she could urinate. After Grace used the bedpan she waited for the nurse to come back and retrieve it, but she never came back. She needed a nurse also to bring her a blanket because she was freezing cold. Once again there was no nurse to be found.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Grace laid there waiting, she began to drift into her years at college. She thought about her several administrative positions she held during her years at Wells College. During these years people had always praised her. Grace always seemed to be favored by others.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Education-Reading Assessment Essay

In determining books for elementary-grade children, it is important that I consider their curriculum as well as the level of their understanding and interest. Children have different interests. By this time, they are also starting to read on their own. Thus, books that they can read-along with, with subjects that they can associate with and learn from are my best choices. Not all elementary-grade children will like the same books. For children to develop interest in reading, it is also essential for them to be able to choose the books that they like. Thus, I should have several books tackling different subjects which children can choose from. If I must present or read a book aloud, I should try to choose something that can also be incorporated with sound effects such as animal or character stories. This way, I can get the attention of the children while we read. 2. Describe a creative way to document writing progress. Cite sources that you used to help you create this method. A good way to document writing progress is through a student journal. Students will be asked to keep a daily account according to specific instructions that will be given to them throughout the week. For example, for week one, they are going to write 100-word personal essays about a tangible thing. They are supposed to talk about one different thing for each day. Then, for week two they are going to write 100-word persuasive essays about anything that they think they should persuade people to believe, and so on. This method tackles the different areas of writing progress. It helps the students improve their writing vocabulary because of the daily exercise. It also entitles the students an exercise of the different aims of writing. The students will also be able to be sensitive about instructions while on the process of composing. According to the National Assessment Governing Board of the US Department of Education (2007), students need to know the definite expectation in their compositions. This does not only help them come up with more competitive essays that will mark higher, it will also make it easier for the teacher to streamline the evaluation and grading criteria. Busch, Hall and Lembke (2007) agree, stating that curriculum-based monitoring criteria are effective in measuring improvement of students. A journal is also a creative way to make the students write without pressure, instead of giving them daily writing seatwork which can give them the impression that they are pressured and tired. 3. How can you monitor children’s growth in spelling? Why have you chosen this method for monitoring? Curriculum-based monitoring (CBM) to measure spelling progress is a good method for assessing the improvement in children’s spelling. This can be done by dictating a list of words to spell to students. The words should match their current vocabulary level. Students are then expected to write down the words. A time limit will be necessary. (Busch, Hall and Lembke 2007) In scoring spelling activities using the CBM method, the words may be scored two ways. One is with correct spelling and another is through letter sequences, where letters placed in the correct sequence gets points. In this method, the total score is the total number of letters in the word—and each word is scored separately. With proper implementation, it is effective in gauging and monitoring the current level of a student’s spelling abilities. It is also creative and encouraging in such as way that students will not get frustrated over low spelling marks. Because they will realize that there are some words that they did not get correctly, they are encouraged to try harder for the next exercise. In the process, the students do not only see that their spelling was wrong, they also know what went wrong and how to remedy it. 4. Find a reading formula that you think you could use with a struggling reader. Name the formula. What have researchers written about the formula? Why do you think it will be productive? The Spache readability formula is a good tool for struggling readers. Dawson (nd) states that it matches readers up to the third grade, which makes the text easier for struggling readers of all levels as compared to texts which used the Dale-Chall formula. Moreover, Welna (nd) asserts that Spache matches actual classroom reading levels and is widely used. Coping with a struggling reader requires both patience and proper metrics. The use of Spache will not only ensure that the reader is starting at an early level, it also introduces new words and increases vocabulary. As the readers goes along, the Spache level of reading materials can be increased accordingly to introduce newer words and more complex sentences. Struggling readers need encouragement and one way that they can get this is with step by step reading guidance and monitoring. By introducing reading materials that are one score step at a time according to the Spache formula, the reader will slowly develop his reading skills. He will also feel positive about reading if he realizes that he is slowly conquering his own difficulties. On a technical note, because Spache is widely used, the reader is also assured that the level of reading metrics that he is achieving is similar with the skills developed in other students. References Busch,T. , Hall, T. , and Lembke, E. 2007. Using CBM for progress monitoring in written expression and spelling. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. studentprogress. org/summer_institute/2007/Written/ProgressMonitoring-Writing_2007. pdf Dawson, J. nd. How to choose the best readability formula for your document. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. streetdirectory. com/travel_guide/15675/writing/how_to_choose_the_best_readability_formula_for_your_document. html National Assessment Governing Board of the US Department of Education. 2007. Writing framework and specifications for the 2007 national assessment of educational progress. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. nagb. org/frameworks/writing-framework-07. pdf

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Child Marriage in Bangladesh Essay

Juvenile marriage has long been an issue in many developing countries where poverty, lack of education and strong cultural traditions and religious beliefs exist. It is most prevalent in – however not restricted to South Asia, especially Bangladesh where studies have shown that the practice of juvenile marriage is most common and severe. Although the legal age of marriage for women in Bangladesh is 18, some girls are married off as young as seven years old mainly as a result of poverty which consumes 55% of the population and also because Bangladesh is a patriarchal society where there overall attitude towards women is â€Å"galay atkano kata† which is translated to â€Å"the spine of a fish stuck in the throat†. In the rural areas of Bangladesh, certain cultural traditions must be preserved as they have been present for centuries and also contribute to juvenile marriage as dowry, which mainly exists in patrilineal societies, determines how much the bride’s parents must pay to the in-laws which varies upon the age of the girl. On the surface, it would seems as though Bangladeshis accept this atrocity and feel quite passive towards it as they are aware that juvenile marriage is being practiced but do not take action against it. Is it because human rights are not universal? Could it be possible that something such as juvenile marriage is overlooked because the vast majority of the population of Bangladesh is not educated and ignorant to such and through intervention, they could benefit from the first world’s input in regards to their sociocultural â€Å"issues†? It is evident that juvenile marriage is very common and equally problematic in South Asia and seems to be an issue which is most present in developing countries for varies reasons which are customized to that particular culture and region. The marriage of a child is illegal in all of the countries in which it takes place and even in spite of actions such as reinforcement of laws opposing to such, juvenile marriage continues, especially in rural, densely populated areas. This is because these societies are anchored by their cultural traditions and beliefs which have been their way of life for centuries, passed down from generation to generation. Bangladesh in particular operates as a patriarchal society and the women, both rural and rban, traditional and modern, are considered the most oppressed in the world because they live in a social system that condones their being granted an inferior status. â€Å"After birth, girls are viewed as a burden to the parental house hold, whereas boys are regarded as an asset. † (White, 1992). The minute they are brought into the world, girls are resented and considered â€Å"not valuable† as they cannot provide for their natural families financially and they will not carr y out the family name, which is very important in Bangladeshi culture. Girls are taught as early as childhood that women should always be under men’s control because the common attitude towards women is that they are weak and vulnerable and they are treated as such. In Bangladeshi society, women are unable to support and protect themselves and male guardianship is necessary to prevent possible rape and this is very important because society places the utmost importance on female sexual purity and this cannot be guaranteed if a woman is without a male guardian as 97% of all rape incidents go unreported and women are subject to brutality and even murder if they do not terminate the pregnancy before it is too late. However, abortions illegal and expensive in Bangladesh and even if a woman can afford to proceed with the termination, they are often malpracticed and result in severe infection, illness and death. Therefore, protection and security is provided (and guaranteed) through marriage and it is also a local belief that younger girls are more obedient and will become devoted to her in-laws’ family more so than her natal family which is logical considering at a young age, the girl would move to her in-law’s and essentially become more attached to her husband’s parents rather than her own. Girls are also forced to terminate any existing education (if there is any at all) when they get married and are expected to take on house hold responsibilities and cater to her in-laws right away and produce children which often results in failed pregnancies or death as they are too young and malnourished. A UNICEF report says: In many parts of South Asia, due to the poor quality of emergency obstetric care and high levels of malnutrition among young women, particularly anemia and stunting, early marriage presents considerably increased risks to life itself. Teenage mothers have a 2-5 times greater risk of maternal death than women aged 20-25 years (UNICEF, 2001: 7) It would seem that a simple and logical solution to this problem would be to continue the girls’ education as it would alleviate some of the social pressure in regards to house hold responsibilities and child-rearing and it would also provide them with life skills and knowledge which could possibly generate a new attitude towards women without disrupting the deeply rooted nature of Bangladeshi cultural traditions. Opportunities for young mothers to continue their education or to work are often limited because they have little access to resources and are responsible for child-rearing and house hold tasks. The women married at early age are more likely than those who are married off as adults to have early, frequent and unplanned pregnancies, typically from lack of contraceptive use. The children of teenage mothers experience serious health consequences as well. A child born to a teenage mother is twice more likely to die before his/her first birth day than the child of a woman in her twenties. If they survive these infants tend to have higher rates of low birth weight, premature birth and infant mortality than those born to older mothers. † (Kamal, 2011: 218). It is evident that there are very harsh social, psychological and health consequences for both women and their children which occur when a girl is married too young, juvenile marriage is not only recognized as a human rights violation, but it is also a barrier to individual and social development. As mentioned above, girls are forced to terminate their education and in most cases they have not even reached secondary level education which shows in the literacy rate among men and women which is not surprising – 38. 1% rate for women, versus the 55. 6% rate for men. Considering Bangladesh’s dense population, this is quite a significant amount of women who have received education. A study by Farah Chowdhury of the Rajshahi Univeristy in Bangladesh shows the education level of men and women in the village of Chamrabo which is in the Narshingdi District (located 30 miles from Dhaka, the capital city). Her studies indicate that: Out of a population of 261, 130 men and 131 women not including children under six years of age, fifteen of the men and 25 of the women were illiterate. Most of the villagers, both make and female, have had at least minimal schooling. Sixty-two men and 70 women completed primary education (Grades 1-5); and 24 men and 18 women secondary education (Grades 6-10). Five men had a secondary School Certificate (SSC), four a Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and one a college degree. Only one woman had an SSC and none a HSC or college degree (Chowdhury, 2004: 247). Poverty is ften a determining factor regarding education and it can be linked to the age at which a girl is married; if a family is poverty stricken, they will marry off their daughter(s) as early as possible to decrease the size of the dowry. In some cases this age could be as young as seven or younger, according to Chowdhury, the belief in some Bangladeshi villages is that seven is a suitable age for girls to marry and that girls of nine are already old and may be subject to abuse or harassment due to shame they might inflict on themselves and their families as a result of not being desirable for marriage. Naturally parents prefer to marry off their daughters before the girls are regarded as old. † â€Å"†¦ Furthermore, young girls are thought to have greater sexual and procreative power than older girls, and to be less risk of miscarriage. † (Chowdhury, 2004: 247). Although the rate of poverty in Bangladesh has decreased over the recent years, 55% of the population lives below the poverty line and among those, 27% live in extreme poverty. Most of those affected by poverty live in rural and semi urban areas where they cannot afford to send their children to school. However, the problem goes both ways as the Bangladeshi education system also faces challenges such as funding, inflexibility, insufficient ratio of skilled teachers to schools and lack of resources. In recent years, NGO’s like ‘Because I am a Girl’ and ‘Human Rights and Education Program for Women (HERP)’ recognized the deficit of education facilities and have stepped in to rehabilitate the education sector of Bangladesh to create an accessible and affordable system which does not discriminate against women but in fact encourages the enrollment female students by employing female teachers. NGO schools are well resourced, with a network that extends to the remotest part of the country. There schools facilitate the integration of students from economically and socially vulnerable communities, operate at times that are suitable for students (many of whom work during the day or at specific times of the year), offer small class size (with teacher-student r atios of one to thirty), and ensure and interactive learning environment. † (Arndt, Hastings, †¦ & Woods, 2005). Since patriarchal societies such as Bangladesh are very concerned about a women’s personality as they see it as a challenge and do almost anything to contain it, it seems quite logical that girls are pulled out of school early due to marriage as it disables them from knowing anything else outside of their inferiority. It also helps to diffuse the rate at which self-discovery happens by marrying the girls off at a young age which decreases their future opportunities of education and furthermore, they become more submissive to their husbands and simply accept the life they are forced to live as they do not know any other way. Their great, great grandmothers did the same and it is a tradition that has been passed down by many generations. However, with this system in place there is some hope. The educational sector’s main goal and aspiration is to break the cycle of dependent women and rid them of their inferior status. Through education, women can learn how to be self-reliant and resourceful, they will be taught personal development and will understand their bodies as well as become aware of their rights as women. This is interesting because these opportunities could spark a new generation of women who will not tolerate their subjective social roles which could lead to protests and other actions against gender exploitation and oppression. It is not something that would happen overnight of course, possibly over a few decades women would start to realize their worth and become bold enough to speak out and protest but even still, education alone cannot change the rich, traditional cultural soil in which the beliefs of society is so firmly planted. Knowledge will empower the women of Bangladesh but it will not change their sociocultural position and it does not change the existing issue of poverty. Even if the education is provided and accessible, the issue of poverty is still present and as long as poverty exists, poor parents will be inclined to marry their daughters as early as possible to decrease the amount of the dowry owed to the groom’s family. As discussed above, traditional cultural values and beliefs outweigh all other potential blames to child marriage even though poverty seems to be the main cause, it is simply a scratch at the surface to the bigger picture. It would seem as though Bangladeshis practicing juvenile marriage are doing so because they feel it is a divine command and in not doing so they are exempt from society and victims of harassment, dishonor and shame. However, if we examine the situation carefully, we will see that the locals are not marrying their daughters off as young as possible simply to decrease the dowry, it is mostly because of their traditional beliefs about fertility in relation to age. Therefore, juvenile marriage cannot be directly linked to poverty because the strong influence of local beliefs is almost certainly the main cause as ethnic communities are inclined to trust their beliefs as well as respect and preserve their traditions. The locals of rural Bangladesh have relied on the same superstitions, methods and practices for centuries, it is deeply embedded in their culture and essentially it is the glue that holds them all together. Bangladeshi officials are aware that juvenile marriage is taking place in the rural areas and they recognize this as a punitive crime but they do not risk interfering or tampering with such rituals as it could lead to an even bigger problem such as the collapse of a society. It is a local belief that if a woman’s marriage is prevented or interrupted, the woman has been a victim of sorcery and she must be exiled from the community. In most cases these women are children and they are taken outside of the village to remote areas, blindfolded and left there with no food or means of survival which results in death. The girl’s family is said to be subject to harassment, and if they have other children, they will be considered socially condemned and will not be desirable by other in the village to marry. It is also believed that the parents will inherit the age of the girl in years of bad luck, example: if the child was five years old, the parents will inherit five years of bad luck. So, Bangladesh will continue to suffer as a result of such an intricately woven culture, everything is connected and affected by their belief system which makes for a fragile society. In conclusion, juvenile marriage is a violation of human rights and has physical, intellectual, psychological and emotional implications for the young brides. It deprives girls of their childhood and adolescence where crucial development occurs and this is important for the promotion of good mental and sexual health. From an outsider’s point of view, the issue of juvenile marriage seems easy enough to â€Å"fix† with a simple prescription of proper education and the implication of Western knowledge and sociocultural values but it is not that easy to undo centuries of rich and complex cultural values, in other words, we cannot use the †Band-Aid† approach to cover up an issue which needs to be addressed internally. So how can we prevent juvenile marriage? An obvious solution is to change the male views and attitudes towards women which can be addressed by including women’s studies and sexual/personal development in the syllabus of primary and higher levels of education. Also, the state should see that sufficient measures are put in place to ensure that women have the same rights and obligations to look after their natural families both financially and physically because if this became a strong social value, then girls would not be considered a burden to their families and this would increase their sociocultural â€Å"value†. Finally, the belief that women are weak and vulnerable is the result of the lack of social security provided for women in Bangladesh so if the state cannot ensure the security of women, then naturally the people (especially the men) of Bangladesh will be reassured in their beliefs of women and that they are in constant need of protection of their male guardians which will further encourage the practice of child marriage.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Major General Joseph Wheeler in the Civil War

Major General Joseph Wheeler in the Civil War Major General Joseph Wheeler was noted cavalry commander who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War (1861-1865) and the US Army during the Spanish-American War (1898). A native of Georgia, he was largely raised in the North and attended West Point. Electing to side with the South during the Civil War, Wheeler gained notoriety as a cavalry commander with the Army of Tennessee. Serving in almost of its major campaigns, he became its senior cavalry officer. Winning a seat in Congress after the war, Wheeler volunteered his services when war with Spain was declared in 1898. Given command of a cavalry division in V Corps, he took part in the Battle of San Juan Hill and Siege of Santiago. He remained in the army until 1900.      Fast Facts: Joseph Wheeler Rank: Major General (Confederate States), Major General (United States)Service: Confederate Army, US ArmyNickname(s): Fightin Joe, Little JoeBorn: September 10, 1836 in Augusta, Georgia, USADied: January 25, 1906 in New York City, New York, USAParents: Joseph Wheeler and Julia Knox HullSpouse: Daniella Jones Sherrod (m. 1866)Children: Lucy Louise Wheeler, Annie Early Wheeler, Ella Wheeler, Julia Knox Hull Wheeler, Joseph M. Wheeler, Caroline Peyton Wheeler, Thomas Harrison WheelerConflicts: Civil War, Spanish-American WarKnown For:  Battle of Shiloh, Battle of Perryville, Battle of Stones River, Knoxville Campaign, Atlanta Campaign,  March to the Sea, Battle of Bentonville,  Battle of San Juan Hill Early Life Born on September 10, 1836 in Augusta, GA, Joseph Wheeler was the son a Connecticut native who had moved south. One of his maternal grandfathers was Brigadier General William Hull who served in the American Revolution and lost Detroit during the War of 1812. Following his mothers death in 1842, Wheelers father encountered financial difficulties and moved the family back to Connecticut. Despite returning north at a young age, Wheeler always considered himself a Georgian. Raised by his maternal grandparents and aunts, he attended local schools before entering the Episcopal Academy in Cheshire, CT. Seeking a military career, Wheeler was appointed to West Point from Georgia on July 1, 1854, though due to his small stature he barely met the academys height requirement. Early Career While at West Point, Wheeler proved to be a relatively poor student and graduated in 1859 ranked 19th in a class of 22. Commissioned as brevet second lieutenant, he was posted to the 1st US Dragoons. This assignment proved brief and later that year he was ordered to attend the US Cavalry School at Carlisle, PA. Completing the course in 1860, Wheeler received orders to join the Regiment of Mounted Riflemen (3rd US Cavalry) in the New Mexico Territory. While in the Southwest, he took part in campaigns against the Native Americans and earned the nickname Fighting Joe. On September 1, 1860, Wheeler received a promotion to second lieutenant. Joining the Confederacy As the Secession Crisis began, Wheeler turned his back on his northern roots and accepted a commission as a first lieutenant in the Georgia state militia artillery in March 1861. With the beginning of the Civil War the following month, he officially resigned from the US Army. After brief service at Fort Barrancas near Pensacola, FL, Wheeler was promoted to colonel and given command of the newly-formed 19th Alabama Infantry. Taking command at Huntsville, AL, he led the regiment at the Battle of Shiloh the following April as well as during the Siege of Corinth. Back to the Cavalry In September 1862, Wheeler was shifted back to the cavalry and given command of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade in the Army of Mississippi (later Army of Tennessee). Moving north as part of General Braxton Braggs campaign into Kentucky, Wheeler scouted and raided in front of the army. During this period, he incurred the enmity of Brigadier General Nathan Bedford Forrest after Bragg reassigned the bulk of the latters men to Wheelers command. Taking part in the Battle of Perryville on October 8, he aided in screening Braggs withdrawal after the engagement. A Quick Rise For his efforts, Wheeler was promoted to brigadier general on October 30. Given command of the Second Corps, Army of Tennessees cavalry, he was wounded in a skirmish in November. Quickly recovering, he raided into the rear of Major General William S. Rosecrans Army of the Cumberland in December and continued to harass the Union rear during the Battle of Stones River. After Braggs retreat from Stones River, Wheeler earned fame for a devastating attack on the Union supply base at Harpeth Shoals, TN on January 12-13, 1863. For this he was promoted to major general and received the thanks of the Confederate Congress. With this promotion, Wheeler was given command of a cavalry corps in the Army of Tennessee. Embarking on a raid against Fort Donelson, TN in February, he again clashed with Forrest. To prevent future conflicts, Bragg ordered Wheelers corps to guard the armys left flank with Forrests defended the right. Wheeler continued to operate in this capacity during the summers Tullahoma Campaign and during the Battle of Chickamauga. In the wake of the Confederate victory, Wheeler conducted a massive raid through central Tennessee. This caused him to miss the Battle of Chattanooga in November. Corps Commander After supporting Lieutenant General James Longstreets unsuccessful Knoxville Campaign in late 1863, Wheeler returned to the Army of Tennessee, now led by General Joseph E. Johnston. Overseeing the armys cavalry, Wheeler ably led his troopers against Major General William T. Shermans Atlanta Campaign. Though outnumbered by the Union cavalry, he won several victories and captured Major General George Stoneman. With Sherman nearing Atlanta, Johnston was replaced in July by Lieutenant General John Bell Hood. The following month, Hood directed Wheeler to take the cavalry to destroy Shermans supply lines. Departing Atlanta, Wheelers corps attacked up the railroad and into Tennessee. Though far-ranging, the raid did little meaningful damage and deprived Hood of his scouting force during the decisive stages of the struggle for Atlanta. Defeated at Jonesboro, Hood evacuated the city at the beginning of September. Rejoining Hood in October, Wheeler was ordered to remain in Georgia to oppose Shermans March to the Sea. Though clashing with Shermans men on numerous occasions, Wheeler was unable to prevent their advance to Savannah. In early 1865, Sherman embarked on his Carolinas Campaign. Joining a reinstated Johnston, Wheeler aided in attempting to block the Union advance. The next month, Wheeler may have been promoted to lieutenant general, however debate exists as to whether he was confirmed in this rank. Placed under the command of Lieutenant General Wade Hampton, Wheelers remaining cavalry took part in the Battle of Bentonville in March. Staying in the field after Johnstons surrender in late April, Wheeler was captured near Conyers Station, GA on May 9 while attempting to cover President Jefferson Davis escape. Spanish-American War Briefly held at Fortress Monroe and Fort Delaware, Wheeler was permitted to return home in June. In the years after the war, he became a planter and lawyer in Alabama. Elected to the US Congress in 1882 and again in 1884, he remained in office until 1900. With the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in 1898, Wheeler volunteered his services to President William McKinley. Accepting, McKinley appointed him a major general of volunteers. Taking command of the cavalry division in Major General William Shafters V Corps, Wheelers force included Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelts famed Rough Riders. Arriving in Cuba, Wheeler scouted ahead of Shafters main force and engaged the Spanish at Las Guasimas on June 24. Though his troops took the brunt of the fighting, they forced the enemy to continue their retreat towards Santiago. Falling ill, Wheeler missed the opening parts of the Battle of San Juan Hill, but rushed to the scene when the fighting began to take command. Wheeler led his division through the Siege of Santiago and served on the peace commission after the citys fall. Later Life Returning from Cuba, Wheeler was dispatched to the Philippines for service in the Philippine-American War. Arriving in August 1899, he led a brigade in Brigadier General Arthur MacArthurs division until early 1900. During this time, Wheeler was mustered out of the volunteer service and commissioned as a brigadier general in the regular army. Returning home, he was given an appointment as a brigadier general in the US Army and placed in command of the Department of the Lakes. He remained in this post until his retirement on September 10, 1900. Retiring to New York, Wheeler died on January 25, 1906 after a protracted illness. In recognition of his service in the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars, he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Youth Support Act 2012 (Fictitious) sets out newly agreed services Essay

The Youth Support Act 2012 (Fictitious) sets out newly agreed services that Local Councils in Wales are obliged to provide for y - Essay Example As part of its statutory obligations to provide support for young people, the Bangor City Council has agreed to fully and part fund qualifying young people to attend Tree Tops. Due to some hostile policies of the City Council, some students cannot enjoy the provisions of The Youth Support Act 2012. This paper will analyze the different grounds for bringing a claim with reference to each of the relevant parties. The paper will pay particular attention to points for both appellant and respondent. Claims for Pricilla The Bangor City Council has recently decided that it will only fund a complete academic year’s attendance at the youth club. As a result of this policy, the Council refuses individuals to enjoy the benefits of the fully or part funding scheme before the age of five and if they turn fifteen within the academic year. On the ground of this funding policy, the Council refused to include Pricilla who is 14 years and 2 months old in this funding scheme. The Council argues that Pricilla can obtain only 10 months’ attendance at the youth club before she turns fifteen and hence she is not eligible for enjoying this particular funding scheme. Here, Pricilla can claim that the Tree Tops club provides recreational activities for young people aged between 11 and 16 and therefore she cannot attend the program if she is refused funding for the scheme on this age basis. Pointing to this, she can argue that the Council should raise the age limit to 16 so as to assist maximum young people to take part in the Tree Tops. Furthermore, Pricilla may demand part funding scheme because she is yet to attain the age of 15. In other words, she can obtain attendance for 10 months before she turns fifteen in the current academic year and therefore she must receive a proportionate funding. However, these arguments may not be valid or justifiable in the eyes of law. It is important to note that The Youth Support Act 2012 defines a young person â€Å"as someone between the ages of five and fourteen years old†1. According to this definition, Pricilla is not eligible to obtain the protection of this Act because she is currently 14 years and 2 months old. More precisely, she is not a beneficiary of the Youth Support Act 2012. The Bangor City Council policy framework clearly states that it will refuse to allow anyone onto the fully or part funded scheme if the candidates turn fifteen within the academic year. Hence, it cannot be claimed that the Council violated Pricilla’s rights provided by this Act. In an ethical perspective, Pricilla should be allowed to enjoy the protection of this Act and not be refused funding for the scheme on the ground of age eligibility cut-offs. If she is disqualified by the Council based on age criterion, she may not be possible to attend Tree Tops in her life because this club will not admit candidates aged over 16. Claims for Amreen and Nabeel Amreen, a 14 year old girl qualified for the full funding scheme was told by the Tree Tops that she would not be permitted to wear her religious headscarf owing to concerns over her personal safety during game activities. Although Amreen agreed to remove her headscarf, her brother Nabeel is outraged by the decision of the Tree Tops. In this case, Nabeel can argue that the Tree Tops had refused his sister’s fundamental rights by asking her to remove the religious headscar

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The politics of cultural stereotyping in Los Vendidos Research Paper

The politics of cultural stereotyping in Los Vendidos - Research Paper Example Los Vendidos talks of a time in California when policies regarding race regularly emphasized the differences between black and white, rather than talking of them as one unified whole. The governorship of Ronald Reagan was a prominent cause for this, as his policies regarding race relations have been widely condemned as racist and one where class plays an important role; with poor African Americans facing the brunt of his policies (Reagan). The reference to Reagan in Los Vendidos, is thus not a passing remark on the part of Valdez. It is an overt critique of Reagan, who was then the Californian governor. Miss Jimenez is a character who has moved beyond the lower class beginnings of the Mexican immigrants that Honest Sancho initially shows her, when she asks for a representative of the Mexican American community for the campaign that Reagan intends to carry out. The story thus points to the degeneration of democratic politics into a system where it becomes merely a system where people of different communities are trapped in the form of vote banks. Valdez pokes fun at this tendency by pointing out the utter lack of agency that such representatives possess within the democratic setup that is thus envisaged. He also highlights the bitter truth of the Mexican American himself/herself choosing to stereotype people of his/her own community. This is exactly what Miss Jimenez seems to be doing (Chabram-Dernersesian, 130-45). She moreover, desires to move out of the stereotype that is forced upon her by the mainstream American society, thereby showing that stereotypes are created both by the mainstream and the marginalized sections of the society. By the end of the play, the three Mexican American men, hitherto thought to be robots, by declaring themselves human, come out of the stereotypes that are created for them by the society. They choose also to remain outside the realm of the stereotypes that Mexican Americans choose to create for themselves by uniting for the caus e of the Mexican community and thereby breaking the boundaries that are created within the Mexican American community by people like Miss Jimenez. Miss Jimenez represents the bourgeoisie who chooses to dissociate herself from her own marginalized community so as to try and be a part of the mainstream society. Her need for disguising herself as a â€Å"white washed Mexican† is something that Valdez chooses to poke fun at (Valdez). The recognition of the need for a collective action on the part of marginalized ethnic groups across the world and the need for a nation to be wary of the bourgeoisie which seeks to stifle any such attempt at revolution is what stays with the reader at the end of the story. The play also seeks to undercut the idea of the United States of America as the melting pot of all cultures, and a place where every culture is accepted, an image that is summed up in the phrase, ‘the American Dream’, which seems to promise immigrants a free society t hat does not discriminate between its citizens on superficial grounds such as race. The idea of an egalitarian America has been undercut by many writers of non-white origin during the twentieth century. This idea, which dates back to the puritanical idea of America as a utopian land was one that was created by its white settlers. The need for creating such a society through revolution and unrest is articulated in this play by the three characters who turn out to be humans and not robots, at the end of the pla